indexing description: "Objects that represent CGI servlet request information" project: "Project Goanna <>" library: "CGI servlets" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Glenn Maughan <>" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001 Glenn Maughan and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see forum.txt)." class GOA_CGI_SERVLET_REQUEST inherit GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST GOA_SHARED_HTTP_SESSION_MANAGER export {NONE} all end GOA_CGI_VARIABLES export {NONE} all end GOA_HTTP_UTILITY_FUNCTIONS export {NONE} all end GOA_STRING_MANIPULATION export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_STANDARD_FILES export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialisation make (resp: GOA_CGI_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is -- Create a new cgi servlet request wrapper require response_exists: resp /= Void do internal_response := resp create parameters.make (5) parse_parameters end feature -- Access get_parameter (name: STRING): STRING is -- Returns the value of a request parameter do Result := clone (parameters.item (name).last) end get_multiple_parameter (name: STRING): DS_LINKED_LIST [STRING] is -- Returns the value of a request parameter do Result := clone (parameters.item (name)) end get_parameter_names: DS_LINEAR [STRING] is -- Return all parameter names local cursor: DS_HASH_TABLE_CURSOR [DS_LINKED_LIST [STRING], STRING] array_list: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] do create array_list.make (parameters.count) cursor := parameters.new_cursor from cursor.start until loop array_list.force_last (clone (cursor.key)) cursor.forth end Result := array_list end get_parameter_values: DS_LINEAR [STRING] is -- Return all parameter values local cursor: DS_HASH_TABLE_CURSOR [DS_LINKED_LIST [STRING], STRING] ll_cursor: DS_LINKED_LIST_CURSOR [STRING] array_list: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] do create array_list.make (parameters.count + 10) cursor := parameters.new_cursor from cursor.start until loop ll_cursor := cursor.item.new_cursor from ll_cursor.start until ll_cursor.after loop array_list.force_last (clone (ll_cursor.item)) ll_cursor.forth end cursor.forth end Result := array_list end get_header (name: STRING): STRING is -- Get the value of the specified request header. do Result := clone (Execution_environment.variable_value (name)) end get_headers (name: STRING): DS_LINEAR [STRING] is -- Get all values of the specified request header. If the -- header has comma-separated values they are separated and added to the -- result. If only one value exists, it is added as the sole entry in the -- list. local tokenizer: GOA_STRING_TOKENIZER list: DS_LINKED_LIST [STRING] do create list.make create tokenizer.make (get_header (name), ",") from tokenizer.start until loop list.force_last (tokenizer.item) tokenizer.forth end Result := list end get_header_names: DS_LINEAR [STRING] is -- Get all header names. local array_list: DS_ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] do -- create fixed list of variable names create array_list.make (23) array_list.force_last (Gateway_interface_var) array_list.force_last (Server_name_var) array_list.force_last (Server_software_var) array_list.force_last (Server_protocol_var) array_list.force_last (Server_port_var) array_list.force_last (Request_method_var) array_list.force_last (Path_info_var) array_list.force_last (Path_translated_var) array_list.force_last (Script_name_var) array_list.force_last (Document_root_var) array_list.force_last (Query_string_var) array_list.force_last (Remote_host_var) array_list.force_last (Remote_addr_var) array_list.force_last (Auth_type_var) array_list.force_last (Remote_user_var) array_list.force_last (Remote_ident_var) array_list.force_last (Content_type_var) array_list.force_last (Content_length_var) array_list.force_last (Http_from_var) array_list.force_last (Http_accept_var) array_list.force_last (Http_user_agent_var) array_list.force_last (Http_referer_var) array_list.force_last (Http_cookie_var) Result := array_list end feature -- Status report has_parameter (name: STRING): BOOLEAN is -- Does this request have a parameter named 'name'? do Result := parameters.has (name) end content_length: INTEGER is -- The length in bytes of the request body or -1 if the length is -- not known. local str: STRING do Result := 0 if has_header (Content_length_var) then str := get_header (Content_length_var) if str /= Void and then str.is_integer then Result := str.to_integer end end end content_type: STRING is -- The MIME type of the body of the request, or Void if the type is -- not known. do if has_header (Content_type_var) then Result := get_header (Content_type_var) else Result := "" end end protocol: STRING is -- The name and version of the protocol the request uses in the form -- 'protocol/majorVersion.minorVrsion', for example, HTTP/1.1. do if has_header (Server_protocol_var) then Result := get_header (Server_protocol_var) else Result := "" end end scheme: STRING is -- The name of the scheme used to make this request. Such as, http, https -- or ftp. do Result := "http" -- TODO: may need to change this when we support https end server_name: STRING is -- The host name of the server that received the request. do if has_header (Server_name_var) then Result := get_header (Server_name_var) else Result := "" end end server_port: STRING is -- The port number on which this request was received. do if has_header (Server_port_var) then Result := get_header (Server_port_var) else Result := "" end end remote_address: STRING is -- The internet protocol (IP) address of the client that sent the request. do if has_header (Remote_addr_var) then Result := get_header (Remote_addr_var) else Result := "" end end remote_host: STRING is -- The fully qualified name of the client that sent the request, or the -- IP address of the client if the name cannot be determined. do if has_header (Remote_host_var) then Result := get_header (Remote_host_var) else Result := "" end end is_secure: BOOLEAN is -- Was this request made using a secure channel, such as HTTPS? do if has_header (Https_var) and then equal (get_header (Https_var), "on") then Result := True end end has_header (name: STRING): BOOLEAN is -- Does this request contain a header named 'name'? do Result := Execution_environment.variable_value (name) /= Void end auth_type: STRING is -- The name of the authentication scheme used to protect the servlet, -- for example, "BASIC" or "SSL" or Void if the servlet was not protected. do if has_header (Auth_type_var) then Result := get_header (Auth_type_var) else Result := "" end end cookies: DS_LINKED_LIST [GOA_COOKIE] is -- Cookies sent with this request. do if internal_cookies = Void then -- iterate across cookie header and collect all cookie values -- TODO: handle multiple cookie headers parse_cookie_header end Result := internal_cookies end session: GOA_HTTP_SESSION is -- Return the session associated with this request. Create a new session -- if one does not already exist. do if session_id = Void then Session_manager.bind_session (Current, internal_response) session_id := Session_manager.last_session_id end Result := Session_manager.get_session (session_id) end method: STRING is -- The name of the HTTP method with which this request was made, for -- example, GET, POST, or HEAD. do if has_header (Request_method_var) then Result := get_header (Request_method_var) else Result := "" end end path_info: STRING is -- Any extra path information associated with the URL the client sent -- when it made the request. do if has_header (Path_info_var) then Result := get_header (Path_info_var) else Result := "" end end path_translated: STRING is -- Any extra path information after the servlet name but before -- the query string translated to a real path. do if has_header (Path_translated_var) then Result := get_header (Path_translated_var) else Result := "" end end query_string: STRING is -- The query string that is contained in the request URL after the path. -- Returns Void if no query string is sent. do if has_header (Query_string_var) then Result := get_header (Query_string_var) else Result := "" end end remote_user: STRING is -- The login of the user making this request, if the user has been -- authenticated, or Void if the user has not been authenticated. do if has_header (Remote_user_var) then Result := get_header (Remote_user_var) else Result := "" end end servlet_path: STRING is -- The part of this request's URL that calls the servlet. This includes -- either the servlet name or a path to the servlet, but does not include -- any extra path information or a query string. do if has_header (Script_name_var) then Result := get_header (Script_name_var) else Result := "" end end content: STRING is -- Content data do debug ("CGI servlet request") print ("Content entered%N") end if has_header (Content_length_var) then debug ("CGI servlet request") print ("Found content length header%N") end if internal_content = Void then if content_length > 0 then debug ("CGI servlet request") print ("Content length > 0%N") end -- TODO: check for errors std.input.read_string (content_length) internal_content := std.input.last_string debug ("CGI servlet request") print ("Internal content is: " + internal_content + "%N") end else debug ("CGI servlet request") print ("No internal content 1%N") end internal_content := "" end end else debug ("CGI servlet request") print ("No internal content 2%N") end internal_content := "" end if internal_content /= Void then Result := internal_content else Result := "" end end feature {CGI_SERVLET_REQUEST} -- Implementation internal_content: STRING -- Content read from stdin internal_response: GOA_CGI_SERVLET_RESPONSE -- Response object held so that session cookie can be set. session_id: STRING -- Id of session. Void until session is bound by first call to get_session. internal_cookies: DS_LINKED_LIST [GOA_COOKIE] -- Cached collection of request cookies parameters: DS_HASH_TABLE [DS_LINKED_LIST [STRING], STRING] -- Table of parameter values with support for multiple values per parameter name feature {NONE} -- Implementation parse_parameters is -- Parse the query string or stdin data for parameters and -- store in params structure. local string_to_process: STRING do -- If the request is a GET then the parameters are stored in the query -- string. Otherwise, the parameters are in the stdin data. if method.is_equal ("GET") then string_to_process := clone (query_string) elseif method.is_equal ("POST") then debug ("CGI servlet request") print ("POST - parse content%N") end string_to_process := clone (content) else -- not sure where the parameters will be for other request methods. -- Need to experiment. end if string_to_process /= Void and then not string_to_process.is_empty then parse_parameter_string (string_to_process) end end parse_parameter_string (str: STRING) is -- Parse the parameter string 'str' and build parameter structure. -- Parameters are of the form 'name=value' separated by '&' with all -- spaces and special characters encoded. An exception is an image map -- coordinate pair that is of the form 'value,value'. Any amount of -- whitespace may separate each token. require valid_str: str /= Void local e: INTEGER pair, name, value: STRING tokenizer: GOA_STRING_TOKENIZER do -- parameters can appear more than once. Add a parameter value for each instance. debug ("query_string_parsing") print (generator + ".parse_parameter_string str = " + quoted_eiffel_string_out (str) + "%R%N") end create tokenizer.make (str, "&") from tokenizer.start until loop -- get the parameter pair token pair := tokenizer.item -- find equal character e := index_of_char (pair, '=', 1) if e > 0 then name := pair.substring (1, e - 1) value := pair.substring (e + 1, pair.count) -- add the parameter add_parameter (decode_url(name), decode_url(value)) else -- TODO: check for a coordinate pair end tokenizer.forth end end add_parameter (name, value: STRING) is -- Set decoded 'value' for the parameter 'name' to the parameters structure. -- Append to the list if the name already exists in the hashtable do debug ("query_string_parsing") print (generator + ".add_parameter name = " + quoted_eiffel_string_out (name) + " value = " + quoted_eiffel_string_out (value) + "%R%N") end if not parameters.has (name) then parameters.force (create {DS_LINKED_LIST [STRING]}.make, name) end parameters.item (name).put_last (value) end parse_cookie_header is -- Parse the cookie header, if it exists and construct the 'internal_cookies' -- collection. -- This routine parsed the cookies using version 0 of the cookie spec (RFC 2109). -- See also local tokenizer: GOA_STRING_TOKENIZER comparator: GOA_COOKIE_NAME_EQUALITY_TESTER pair, name, value: STRING new_cookie: GOA_COOKIE i: INTEGER do -- not very efficient but we don't know if we will get any bogus cookies -- along the way create internal_cookies.make create comparator internal_cookies.set_equality_tester (comparator) if has_header (Http_cookie_var) then from create tokenizer.make (get_header (Http_cookie_var), ";") debug ("cookie_parsing") print (generator + ".parse_cookie_header str = " + quoted_eiffel_string_out (get_header (Http_cookie_var)) + "%R%N") end tokenizer.start until loop pair := tokenizer.item if pair.is_empty then i := 0 else i := index_of_char (pair, '=', 1) end if i > 1 then name := pair.substring (1, i - 1) name.left_adjust name.right_adjust if i = pair.count then value := "" else value := pair.substring (i + 1, pair.count) value.left_adjust value.right_adjust end -- remove double quotes if they wrap the value if value.item (1) = '%"' then value := value.substring (2, value.count - 1) end if not tester.is_reserved_cookie_word (name) then create new_cookie.make (name, value) end debug ("cookie_parsing") print (generator + ".parse_cookie_header new_cookie = " + quoted_eiffel_string_out (new_cookie.header_string) + "%R%N") end internal_cookies.force_last (new_cookie) else -- bad cookie, ignore it end tokenizer.forth end end end tester: GOA_COOKIE is -- Used to test validity of values once create result.make ("test", "test") end end -- class GOA_CGI_SERVLET_REQUEST