indexing description: "XML RPC/Messaging Servlet" project: "Project Goanna " library: "XML-RPC" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Glenn Maughan " copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001 Glenn Maughan and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see forum.txt)." class GOA_XMLRPC_SERVLET inherit GOA_HTTP_SERVLET redefine do_get, do_post end GOA_SHARED_SERVICE_REGISTRY export {NONE} all end GOA_XRPC_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end KL_EXCEPTIONS export {NONE} all end GOA_HTTPD_LOGGER export {NONE} all {ANY} set_custom_log_file end creation init feature -- Basic operations do_get (req: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST; resp: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is -- Process GET request local response_text: STRING do create fault.make (Unsupported_method_fault_code) response_text := fault.marshall -- send response resp.set_content_type (Headerval_content_type) resp.set_content_length (response_text.count) resp.send (response_text) end do_post (req: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST; resp: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is -- Process POST request local response_text: STRING service_name, action: STRING agent_service: GOA_SERVICE_PROXY parameters: TUPLE result_value: GOA_XRPC_VALUE failed: BOOLEAN do if not failed then -- reset call := Void response := Void fault := Void -- process call parse_call (req) if valid_call then -- extract service details service_name := call.extract_service_name.out action := call.extract_action.out -- retrieve service and execute call if registry.has (service_name) then agent_service := registry.get (service_name) if agent_service.has (action) then parameters := call.extract_parameters (agent_service, action) if call.are_parameters_valid and then agent_service.valid_operands (action, parameters) then log_method_entry(call.method_name, parameters) (action, parameters) if agent_service.process_ok then -- if a fault occured, send it back if agent_service.last_fault /= Void then create fault.make_with_detail (user_fault, agent_service.last_fault) response_text := fault.marshall -- check for a result, if so pack it up to send back elseif agent_service.last_result /= Void then result_value := (agent_service.last_result) if result_value /= Void then create response.make (create {GOA_XRPC_PARAM}.make (result_value)) response_text := response.marshall else -- construct fault response for invalid return type create fault.make (Invalid_action_return_type) response_text := fault.marshall end else -- no return value create response.make (Void) response_text := response.marshall end else -- construct fault response for failed call create fault.make_with_detail (Unable_to_execute_service_action, " " + call.method_name.out) response_text := fault.marshall end else -- construct fault response for invalid action operands create fault.make_with_detail (Invalid_operands_for_service_action, " " + make_invalid_operands_detail_msg) response_text := fault.marshall end else -- construct fault response for invalid service action create fault.make_with_detail (Action_not_found_for_service, " " + call.method_name.out) response_text := fault.marshall end else -- construct fault response for invalid service create fault.make_with_detail (Service_not_found, " " + service_name) response_text := fault.marshall end else response_text := fault.marshall end end -- send response resp.set_content_type (Headerval_content_type) resp.set_content_length (response_text.count) resp.send (response_text) if fault /= Void then -- log failure if call = Void then -- invalid call log_hierarchy.logger (Xmlrpc_category).error ("Call failed (invalid call): " + fault.string) else -- other error log_hierarchy.logger (Xmlrpc_category).error ("Call (" + call.method_name + ") failed: " + fault.string) end else -- log return value log_method_exit (call.method_name, agent_service.last_result) end rescue if not failed then -- check for an assertion failure and respond with an appropriate fault -- otherwise fail as normal if assertion_violation then build_assertion_fault response_text := fault.marshall failed := True retry end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation valid_call: BOOLEAN -- Flag indicating whether the request contains a valid -- XMLRPC call. parse_call (req: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST) is -- Parse XMLRPC call from request data. Will set 'valid_call' -- if the request contained a valid XMLRPC call. If an error is -- detected then an GOA_XRPC_FAULT element will be created that represents -- the problem encountered. local parser: XM_EIFFEL_PARSER tree_pipe: GOA_TREE_CALLBACKS_PIPE do valid_call := True create parser.make create tree_pipe.make parser.set_callbacks (tree_pipe.start) parser.parse_from_string (req.content) if parser.is_correct then create call.unmarshall (tree_pipe.document.root_element) if not call.unmarshall_ok then valid_call := False create fault.make (call.unmarshall_error_code) call := Void end else valid_call := False -- create fault create fault.make (Bad_payload_fault_code) call := Void end ensure fault_exists_if_invalid: not valid_call implies fault /= Void end call: GOA_XRPC_CALL -- Received call response: GOA_XRPC_RESPONSE -- Response to send to client. Void if a fault occurred. fault: GOA_XRPC_FAULT -- Fault to send to client. Void if a valid response was generated. build_assertion_fault is -- Initialise 'fault' to explain current assertion violation require assertion_violation: assertion_violation local detail: STRING do create detail.make (100) detail.append (": ") detail.append (meaning (exception)) detail.append (" class: '") detail.append (class_name) detail.append ("' routine: '") detail.append (recipient_name) detail.append ("' tag: '") detail.append (tag_name) detail.append_character ('%'') create fault.make_with_detail (Assertion_failure, detail) ensure fault_initialised: fault /= Void and then fault.code = Assertion_failure end feature {NONE} -- Logging limit: INTEGER is -- The nr. of characters of the return value's string representation that are logged -- in `log_method_exit' (the rest is truncated) once Result := 50 end log_method_entry (method_name: STRING; params: TUPLE) is -- Logs an xml rpc method call with debug level INFO -- Example output: "Calling foo ('abc': STRING, '133': INTEGER)" require valid_method_name: method_name /= void local param: ANY logger: L4E_LOGGER logging_string: STRING i: INTEGER do logger := log_hierarchy.logger (Xmlrpc_category) if (logger.is_enabled_for (info_p)) then create logging_string.make_from_string ("Calling " + method_name + " (") -- create method params debug string from i := 1 until i > params.count loop param := params.item(i) logging_string.append ("'" + param.out + "': " + param.generating_type) -- add param separator if necessary if (i < params.count) then logging_string.append (", ") end i := i + 1 end logging_string.append (")") (logging_string) end end log_method_exit (method_name: STRING; return_value: ANY) is -- Logs an xml rpc method return with debug level DEBUG -- `return_value' is Void if the method has no return value. -- Only `limit' characters of the return value's string representation are logged. -- Example output: "Leaving foo (result = 'test': STRING)" require valid_method_name: method_name /= Void local logger: L4E_LOGGER logging_string: STRING out_string: STRING do logger := log_hierarchy.logger (Xmlrpc_category) if (logger.is_enabled_for (debug_p)) then create logging_string.make_from_string ("Leaving " + method_name) -- Log return value if (return_value /= Void) then logging_string.append (" (Result= '") out_string := return_value.out if (out_string.count > limit) then -- Truncate return value string logging_string.append(out_string.substring (1, limit)) logging_string.append ("(...)") else logging_string.append (out_string) end logging_string.append ("': " + return_value.generating_type + ")") end logger.debugging (logging_string) end end make_invalid_operands_detail_msg: STRING is -- Creates the detailed message to be used for a fault of type `Invalid_operands_for_service_action' do Result := call.method_name.out + " (" + call.last_error_msg + ", parameters: " from call.params.start until call.params.after loop Result.append ("'") Result.append (call.params.item_for_iteration.value.as_object.out) Result.append ("': ") Result.append (call.params.item_for_iteration.value.type) Result.append (", ") call.params.forth end Result.remove_tail (2) Result.append (")") end end -- class GOA_XMLRPC_SERVLET