indexing description: "Logging appender on which logging events can be appended." project: "Project Goanna " library: "log4e" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Glenn Maughan " copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001 Glenn Maughan and others" license: "Eiffel Forum Freeware License v1 (see forum.txt)." deferred class L4E_APPENDER inherit L4E_FILTER_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end L4E_SHARED_LOG_LOG MEMORY export {NONE} all undefine dispose end feature -- Initialisation make (new_name: STRING) is -- Create new appender with 'name' --| Descendants should either call this --| routine or declare it as a creation routine. require new_name_exists: new_name /= Void do name := new_name create filters.make is_open := True create {L4E_SIMPLE_LAYOUT} layout end feature -- Status Report name: STRING -- Name of this appender that uniquely -- identifies it. layout: L4E_LAYOUT -- Layout used to format events for this appender. May be Void -- if no layout is used. is_open: BOOLEAN -- Is the appender open for appending? feature -- Status Setting set_layout (new_layout: L4E_LAYOUT) is -- Set the layout that this appender should use. require layout_exists: new_layout /= Void do layout := new_layout end close is -- Release any resources for this appender. deferred ensure closed: not is_open end append (event: L4E_EVENT) is -- Log event on this appender. require event_exists: event /= Void is_open: is_open local done, accept: BOOLEAN c: DS_LINKED_LIST_CURSOR [L4E_FILTER] do -- filter event through filters to determine -- if it should be logged if filters.is_empty then do_append (event) else from c := filters.new_cursor c.start until or done loop inspect c.item.decide (event) when Filter_accept then done := True accept := True when Filter_reject then done := True else -- Filter_neutral c.forth if then done := True accept := True end end end if accept then do_append (event) end end end set_name (new_name: STRING) is -- Set the name of this appender require name_exists: new_name /= Void do name := new_name end add_filter (filter: L4E_FILTER) is -- Add 'filter' to the list of filters to -- apply when determining if a log event will -- be processed by this appender. require filter_exists: filter /= Void filter_not_added: not has_filter (filter) do filters.force_last (filter) ensure filter_added: has_filter (filter) end has_filter (filter: L4E_FILTER): BOOLEAN is -- Is 'filter' in the list of filters for this -- appender? require filter_exists: filter /= Void do Result := filters.has (filter) end remove_filter (filter: L4E_FILTER) is -- Remove 'filter' from the list of filters for this -- appender. require filter_exists: filter /= Void filter_added: has_filter (filter) do filters.delete (filter) ensure filter_removed: not has_filter (filter) end feature -- Removal dispose is -- Close this appender when garbage collected. Perform -- minimal operations to release resources. Do not call -- other object as they may have been garbage collected. deferred end feature {NONE} -- Implementation do_append (event: L4E_EVENT) is -- Append 'event' to this appender require event_exists: event /= Void is_open: is_open deferred end filters: DS_LINKED_LIST [L4E_FILTER] -- Filters that determine if a log event is processed for this -- appender or not. end -- class L4E_APPENDER