indexing description: "Logging logger." project: "Project Goanna " library: "log4e" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Glenn Maughan " copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001 Glenn Maughan and others" license: "Eiffel Forum Freeware License v1 (see forum.txt)." class L4E_LOGGEr inherit L4E_PRIORITY_CONSTANTS undefine is_equal end COMPARABLE creation make feature {L4E_LOGGER_FACTORY} -- Initialisation make (hierarchy: L4E_HIERARCHY; cat_name: STRING) is -- Create new logger with 'cat_name' require cat_name_exists: cat_name /= Void do context := hierarchy name := cat_name create appenders.make is_additive := True ensure context_set: context = hierarchy name_set: name = cat_name additive: is_additive end feature -- Status Report name: STRING -- Name of this logger priority: L4E_PRIORITY is -- Starting from this caregory, search the logger -- hieararchy for a non-null priority and return it. -- Otherwise, return the priority of the root logger. --| Does not use recursion to speed up the search local next: L4E_LOGGER do from next := Current Result := next.cat_priority until Result /= Void loop -- check internal priority next := next.parent Result := next.cat_priority end end parent: L4E_LOGGER -- The parent of this logger. context: L4E_HIERARCHY -- The hierarchy in which this logger operates. is_additive: BOOLEAN -- Should appenders of this logger's parent be used? is_priority_set: BOOLEAN is -- Does this logger have a priority set? False if the priority -- will be inherited from an ancestor. do Result := cat_priority /= Void end appenders: DS_LINKED_LIST [L4E_APPENDER] -- Appenders for this logger. is_enabled_for (check_priority: L4E_PRIORITY): BOOLEAN is -- Is this logger enabled for 'check_priority'? require check_priority_exists: check_priority /= Void do Result := context.disabled < check_priority.level and then priority <= check_priority ensure true_if_priority_enabled: Result = (context.disabled < check_priority.level and priority <= check_priority) end feature -- Status Setting set_priority (new_priority: L4E_PRIORITY) is -- Set the priority for this logger. Pass Void to unset the -- priority and use an ancestor's. require priority_exists: new_priority /= Void do cat_priority := new_priority end add_appender (new_appender: L4E_APPENDER) is -- Add 'new_appender' to the list of -- appenders for this logger. require new_appender_exists: new_appender /= Void not_added: not appenders.has (new_appender) do appenders.force_last (new_appender) ensure appender_added: appenders.has (new_appender) end remove_appender (appender_name: STRING) is -- Remove appender with name 'appender_name' -- Iterates to find matching appender. require name_exists: appender_name /= Void local c: DS_LINKED_LIST_CURSOR [L4E_APPENDER] found: BOOLEAN do from c := appenders.new_cursor c.start until or found loop if (appender_name) then found := True c.remove else c.forth end end end call_appenders (event: L4E_EVENT) is -- Send 'event' to all appenders of this -- logger and recursively parents appenders if -- additive. require event_exists: event /= Void local c: DS_LINKED_LIST_CURSOR [L4E_APPENDER] do -- loop through all appenders from c := appenders.new_cursor c.start until loop c.item.append (event) c.forth end -- if additive then recurse to parent if is_additive and then parent /= Void then parent.call_appenders (event) end end close_appenders is -- Close all appenders local c: DS_LINKED_LIST_CURSOR [L4E_APPENDER] do -- loop through all appenders from c := appenders.new_cursor c.start until loop c.item.close c.forth end end set_additive (flag: BOOLEAN) is -- Set additive status to 'flag'. do is_additive := flag end feature -- Logging debugging (message: ANY) is -- Log a message object with the priority Debug. -- First checks if this logger is enabled -- by comparing the priority of this logger -- with the Debug priority. If this logger -- is debug enabled, then it converts the -- message object to a string by invoking -- 'out'. It then proceeds to call all the -- registered appenders in this logger and -- also higher in the hierarchy depending on -- the value of the additivity flag. require message_exists: message /= Void do if is_enabled_for (Debug_p) then forced_log (Debug_p, message) end end warn (message: ANY) is -- Log a message object with the priority Warn. -- First checks if this logger is enabled -- by comparing the priority of this logger -- with the Warn priority. If this logger -- is warn enabled, then it converts the -- message object to a string by invoking -- 'out'. It then proceeds to call all the -- registered appenders in this logger and -- also higher in the hierarchy depending on -- the value of the additivity flag. require message_exists: message /= Void do if is_enabled_for (Warn_p) then forced_log (Warn_p, message) end end info (message: ANY) is -- Log a message object with the priority Info. -- First checks if this logger is enabled -- by comparing the priority of this logger -- with the Info priority. If this logger -- is info enabled, then it converts the -- message object to a string by invoking -- 'out'. It then proceeds to call all the -- registered appenders in this logger and -- also higher in the hierarchy depending on -- the value of the additivity flag. require message_exists: message /= Void do if is_enabled_for (Info_p) then forced_log (Info_p, message) end end error (message: ANY) is -- Log a message object with the priority Error. -- First checks if this logger is enabled -- by comparing the priority of this logger -- with the Error priority. If this logger -- is info enabled, then it converts the -- message object to a string by invoking -- 'out'. It then proceeds to call all the -- registered appenders in this logger and -- also higher in the hierarchy depending on -- the value of the additivity flag. require message_exists: message /= Void do if is_enabled_for (Error_p) then forced_log (Error_p, message) end end fatal (message: ANY) is -- Log a message object with the priority Fatal. -- First checks if this logger is enabled -- by comparing the priority of this logger -- with the Fatal priority. If this logger -- is error enabled, then it converts the -- message object to a string by invoking -- 'out'. It then proceeds to call all the -- registered appenders in this logger and -- also higher in the hierarchy depending on -- the value of the additivity flag. require message_exists: message /= Void do if is_enabled_for (Fatal_p) then forced_log (Fatal_p, message) end end log (event_priority: L4E_PRIORITY; message: ANY) is -- Log a general message. require event_priority_exists: event_priority /= Void message_exists: message /= Void do if is_enabled_for (event_priority) then forced_log (event_priority, message) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation forced_log (event_priority: L4E_PRIORITY; message: ANY) is -- Create new logging event and send to appenders. require priority_exists: event_priority /= Void message_exists: message /= Void local event: L4E_EVENT do create event.make (Current, event_priority, message) call_appenders (event) end feature {L4E_LOGGER, L4E_HIERARCHY} -- Internal cat_priority: L4E_PRIORITY -- The assigned priority of this logger. Void if the -- categories priority should be inherited -- from an ancestor. set_parent (new_parent: L4E_LOGGER) is -- Set the parent for this logger. require not_root: context.root /= Current new_parent_exists: new_parent /= Void do parent := new_parent end feature -- Comparison infix "<" (other: like Current): BOOLEAN is -- Is current object less than `other'? do Result := name < end invariant name_exists: name /= Void and then not name.is_empty appenders_exist: appenders /= Void end -- class L4E_LOGGER