indexing description: "Configuration information required for GOA_APPLICATION_SERVER" author: "Neal L Lester " date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "(c) Neal L Lester" License: "Eiffel Forum License Version 2 (see forum.txt)" deferred class GOA_APPLICATION_CONFIGURATION inherit GOA_TRANSACTION_MANAGEMENT KL_SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT KL_SHARED_FILE_SYSTEM SHARED_SERVLETS feature -- Page Sequencing next_page (processing_result: REQUEST_PROCESSING_RESULT): GOA_DISPLAYABLE_SERVLET is -- What is the next page to display to the user? require valid_processing_result: processing_result /= Void and then processing_result.was_processed ok_to_write_data: implements_transaction_and_version_access implies ok_to_write_data (processing_result) deferred ensure valid_result: Result /= Void result_ok_to_display: Result.ok_to_display (processing_result) ok_to_write_data: implements_transaction_and_version_access implies ok_to_write_data (processing_result) -- not_ok_to_read_write_data: implements_transaction_and_version_access implies not (ok_to_read_data (processing_result) or ok_to_write_data (processing_result)) end log_directory: STRING is -- Interpreted version of internal_log_directory once Result := execution_environment.interpreted_string (internal_log_directory) end temp_directory: STRING is -- Interpreted version of internal_temp_directory once Result := execution_environment.interpreted_string (internal_temp_directory) end xslt_directory: STRING is -- Interpreted version of internal_xslt_directory once Result := execution_environment.interpreted_string (internal_xslt_directory) end document_root: STRING is -- Interpreted version of internal_document_root once Result := execution_environment.interpreted_string (internal_document_root) end feature -- Deferred Features internal_data_directory: STRING is -- Directory where the log files will be written to; e.g. must exist and be writable -- Include trailing directory separator obsolete "Use instead the following: internal_log_directory, internal_temp_directory, internal_xslt_directory" deferred end internal_log_directory: STRING is -- Directory where the log files will be written to; e.g. must exist and be writable -- Include trailing directory separator do Result := internal_data_directory end internal_temp_directory: STRING is -- Directory where the temp files will be written to; e.g. must exist and be writable -- Include trailing directory separator do Result := internal_data_directory end internal_xslt_directory: STRING is -- Directory where the xslt translation files are located -- e.g. must exist and contain 'goa_page.xsl' and 'goa_page.frng' -- Include trailing directory separator do Result := internal_data_directory end internal_document_root: STRING is -- The document root directory where stand alone server looks for documents -- Not sure what this is used for in a fastcgi application (use an arbitrary string). deferred end internal_test_mode: BOOLEAN is -- This configuration should run in "test mode" -- In test mode, page xml data is written to file -- In test mode, the application does not run as a daemon deferred end host: STRING is -- Host name for server to listen on -- Use 'localhost' to listen only to requests from local machine (domain socket) -- Use IP Address of host running the GOA_APPLICATION_SERVER server if -- application must accept requests from other machines once Result := "localhost" end port: INTEGER is -- Server connection port deferred end default_virtual_host_lookup_string: STRING is -- The default virtual host name to use, if the actual host name -- does not correspond to an existing VIRTUAL_DOMAIN_HOST deferred end bring_down_server_servlet_name: STRING is -- Name of the servlet that will shut down the application server -- Make it long and random for security purposes -- I was having trouble getting Interupt handling to work reliably -- This is a clean way of getting the application shut down -- with the (small) risk of a DOS attack deferred end feature -- Attributes over_ride_test_mode: BOOLEAN -- Run in test mode, even if internal test mode is False use_saxon: BOOLEAN -- Use Saxon as the XSLT processor servlet_configuration: GOA_SERVLET_CONFIG is -- Goanna configuration once create Result Result.set_server_port (port) Result.set_document_root (document_root) end test_mode: BOOLEAN is -- Run in test mode do Result := internal_test_mode or over_ride_test_mode end bring_down_server_exception_description: STRING is "Shut Down Server" -- Description of developer exception thrown to bring down the application bring_down_server: BOOLEAN -- Should we bring down the application? validate_email_domain: BOOLEAN is -- Should we validate the domain of emails submitted by the user -- Program 'dig' must be available in the execution path of the system deferred end install_snoop_servlet: BOOLEAN is -- Should we install snoop_servlet? This servlet echos the contents of -- A web request back to the user. Sometimes useful in debugging. -- Descendents may redefine to True once Result := False end feature -- Configuration Setting set_use_saxon is -- Set configuration to use saxon as the XSLT processor do use_saxon := True end set_over_ride_test_mode is -- Set configuration to run credit cards in test mode do over_ride_test_mode := True end set_bring_down_server is -- Set bring_down_server to True -- Will result in shut down of application do bring_down_server := True end feature -- Constants session_status_attribute_name: STRING is "SESSION_STATUS" parameter_separator: CHARACTER is ':' feature -- File Names -- temp_saxon_input_file_name (suffix: STRING): STRING is -- Name of temporary input file for transformations by Saxon -- Suffix should uniquely identify the file -- require -- valid_suffix: suffix /= Void and then not suffix.is_empty -- do -- Result := temp_directory + "saxon_input_" + suffix + ".xml" -- end -- temp_saxon_output_file_name (suffix: STRING): STRING is -- Name of temporary output fiel for transformations by Saxon -- Suffix should uniquely identify the file -- require -- valid_suffix: suffix /= Void and then not suffix.is_empty -- do -- Result := temp_directory + "saxon_output_" + suffix + ".xml" -- end feature -- Transformation java_binary_location: STRING is -- file name of the java VM; include full path if not in execution path (e.g. /usr/java/j2re1.5.2_04/bin/java) once Result := execution_environment.interpreted_string ("$JAVA") end saxon_jar_file_location: STRING is -- Full path and file name to the saxon XSLT transformation jar file (.e.g. /opt/saxon/saxon8.jar) once Result := "/opt/saxon/saxon8.jar" end validate_xml: BOOLEAN is -- Should we validate xml generated by GOA_XML_DOCUMENT objects -- If yes, jing ( ) must -- be installed and jing_invocation set once Result := False end jing_invocation: STRING is -- Invocation string on this system, e.g. -- Result := "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar /usr/local/share/jing/jing.jar" -- Or, if jing is in the execution path, simply -- Result := "jing" once -- Nothing by default end feature -- Logging log_file_name: STRING is -- Name of file used to log servlet activity once Result := log_directory + "application.log" end illegal_requests_file_name: STRING is -- Name of file used to log full text of illegal requests once Result := log_directory + "illegal_requests.log" end feature -- Servlet Names snoop_servlet_name: STRING is "snoop.htm" feature -- Servlet Names fast_cgi_directory: STRING is -- The directory configured to serve fast_cgi requests -- Must include two directory names with leading and -- Trailing slashes, e.g. -- /dir1/dir2/ -- for Apache, dir1 must match the alias -- for the fast-cgi directory deferred end feature -- Logging application_log_category: STRING is "app" application_error_log_category: STRING is "error" application_security_log_category: STRING is "security" invariant log_directory_is_readable: file_system.directory_exists (log_directory) and then file_system.is_directory_readable (log_directory) temp_directory_is_readable: file_system.directory_exists (temp_directory) and then file_system.is_directory_readable (temp_directory) xslt_directory_is_readable: file_system.directory_exists (xslt_directory) and then file_system.is_directory_readable (xslt_directory) use_saxon_implies_valid_java_binary_location: use_saxon implies file_system.file_exists (java_binary_location) use_saxon_implies_valid_saxon_jar_file_location: use_saxon implies file_system.file_exists (saxon_jar_file_location) validate_xml_implies_valid_jing_invocation: validate_xml implies jing_invocation /= Void end -- class GOA_APPLICATION_CONFIGURATION