indexing description: "System Messages displayed to the user" author: "Neal L Lester " date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "(c) Neal L Lester" License: "Eiffel Forum License Version 2 (see forum.txt)" -- MESSAGE_CATALOG should inherit from this class -- The design intent is that this should (eventually) be a fully deferred class -- Which effective descendents for each language supported by the web site. class GOA_MESSAGE_CATALOG feature attribute_unchanged_message (new_label, old_value: STRING):STRING is -- Message indicating an attribute was not changed require valid_new_label: new_label /= Void and then not new_label.is_empty valid_old_value: old_value /= Void and then not old_value.is_empty do Result := new_label + " was not updated and remains %'" + old_value + "%'." end attribute_unchanged_message_no_value (new_label: STRING):STRING is -- Message indicating an attribute was not changed require valid_new_label: new_label /= Void and then not new_label.is_empty do Result := new_label + " was not updated." end is_required_message: STRING is "may not be empty." invalid_email_message: STRING is do Result := "The " + email_address_label + " is not a valid e-mail address. Please enter the correct " + email_address_label end email_address_label: STRING is "e-Mail Address" -- label for the email address field email_address_not_updated: STRING is -- Email address was not updated do Result := "Your " + email_address_label + " was not updated." end password_label: STRING is "Password" -- Password text input label confirm_label (the_label: STRING): STRING is -- Conrirm the_label field label require valid_the_label: the_label /= Void and then not the_label.is_empty do Result := "Confirm " + the_label end parameters_dont_match_message (parameter_label, the_confirm_label: STRING): STRING is -- Message to display if parameters don't match require valid_parameter_label: parameter_label /= Void and then not parameter_label.is_empty valid_the_confirm_label: the_confirm_label /= Void and then not the_confirm_label.is_empty do Result := parameter_label + " and " + the_confirm_label + " must match exactly (including spaces and capital letters). Please retype both." end submit_label: STRING is "Submit" data_entry_form_summary: STRING is "A table used to format a data entry form." system_error_message: STRING is "System Error (server side bug); please re-enter your information" end -- class GOA_MESSAGE_CATALOG