indexing description: "A virtual domain host; VIRTUAL_DOMAIN_HOST should inherit from this class" author: "Neal L Lester " date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "(c) Neal L Lester" License: "Eiffel Forum License Version 2 (see forum.txt)" class GOA_VIRTUAL_DOMAIN_HOST feature -- Attributes host_name: STRING base_url (is_secure: BOOLEAN): STRING is -- URL to current virtual domain host local base: STRING do if is_secure and use_ssl then base := "https://" else base := "http://" end Result := base + host_name + "/" end use_ssl: BOOLEAN -- Does this site use SSL to protect traffic? feature -- Attribute Setting set_host_name (new_host_name: STRING) is -- Set host_name to new_host_name require valid_new_host_name: new_host_name /= Void and then not new_host_name.is_empty do host_name := new_host_name ensure host_name_updated: host_name = new_host_name end set_use_ssl is -- Set domain to to use ssl do use_ssl := True end end -- class GOA_VIRTUAL_DOMAIN_HOST