indexing description: "Servlets for a Goanna Application" author: "Neal L Lester " date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "(c) Neal L Lester" License: "Eiffel Forum License Version 2 (see forum.txt)" deferred class GOA_APPLICATION_SERVLET inherit GOA_HTTP_SERVLET redefine do_get, do_post, log_service_error, service, log_write_error end GOA_SHARED_APPLICATION_CONFIGURATION GOA_TEXT_PROCESSING_FACILITIES GOA_AUTHENTICATION_STATUS_CODE_FACILITIES GOA_SHARED_VIRTUAL_DOMAIN_HOSTS GOA_SHARED_SERVLET_MANAGER GOA_HTTP_UTILITY_FUNCTIONS UT_STRING_FORMATTER GOA_TRANSACTION_MANAGEMENT KL_IMPORTED_STRING_ROUTINES SHARED_REQUEST_PARAMETERS SHARED_SERVLETS L4E_SHARED_HIERARCHY GOA_APPLICATION_EXCEPTION_HANDLING feature -- Attributes name: STRING is -- Name of this servlet; used as file name portion of URL accessing this servlet deferred ensure contains_only_one_period: Result.occurrences ('.') <= 1 no_spaces: not Result.has (' ') -- TODO Add some better validity checks end name_without_extension: STRING is -- The name of this servlet, without the extension local period_index: INTEGER do Result := STRING_.cloned_string (name) if Result.has ('.') then period_index := Result.index_of ('.', 1) Result.keep_head (period_index -1) end end ok_to_process_servlet (processing_result: GOA_REQUEST_PROCESSING_RESULT): BOOLEAN is -- Does current user have permission to have this servlet processed? -- May be redefined in descendents as necessary require valid_processing_result: processing_result /= Void once Result := True end receive_secure: BOOLEAN -- This servlet should receive information from clients via SSL feature -- Parameter Queries has_mandatory_parameter (the_parameter: STRING): BOOLEAN is -- Does servlet include the_parameter as a mandatory parameter? require valid_the_parameter: the_parameter /= Void and then not the_parameter.is_empty do Result := mandatory_parameters.has (the_parameter) end has_expected_parameter (the_parameter: STRING): BOOLEAN is -- Does servlet include the_parameter as a expected parameter? require valid_the_parameter: the_parameter /= Void and then not the_parameter.is_empty do Result := expected_parameters.has (the_parameter) end has_possible_parameter (the_parameter: STRING): BOOLEAN is -- Does servlet include the_parameter as a possible parameter? require valid_the_parameter: the_parameter /= Void and then not the_parameter.is_empty do Result := possible_parameters.has (the_parameter) end add_database_updated_message (processing_result: REQUEST_PROCESSING_RESULT) is -- Add message telling user database was updated require valid_processing_result: processing_result /= Void processing_result_was_processed: processing_result.was_processed transaction_or_version_access_open: ok_to_read_data (processing_result) do -- No message ensure transaction_or_version_access_open: ok_to_read_data (processing_result) end feature -- Request Processing do_get (request: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST; response: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is -- Called to allow the servlet to handle a GET request. -- Verify form elements in request conform to semantics required by this servlet -- Process each request parameter if request is valid -- Perform any post GOA_REQUEST_PARAMETER processing -- Determine next page and send response to browser local -- page: EXTENDED_GOA_PAGE_XML_DOCUMENT servlet: GOA_DISPLAYABLE_SERVLET parameter_names: DS_LINEAR [STRING] parameter_name, raw_parameter_name, parameter_value: STRING session_status: SESSION_STATUS processing_result: REQUEST_PROCESSING_RESULT parameter_processing_result: PARAMETER_PROCESSING_RESULT current_parameter_is_unexpected, unexpected_parameters_found, all_mandatory_parameters_are_present, all_expected_parameters_are_present: BOOLEAN mandatory_parameters_in_request, expected_parameters_in_request: DS_LINKED_LIST [STRING] mandatory_processing_results, non_mandatory_processing_results: DS_LINKED_LIST [PARAMETER_PROCESSING_RESULT] -- page_agent: FUNCTION [ANY, TUPLE [REQUEST_PROCESSING_RESULT], EXTENDED_GOA_PAGE_XML_DOCUMENT] temp_name, exception_description: STRING failed_once, failed_twice: BOOLEAN suffix_list: DS_LINKED_LIST [INTEGER] connection_reset_output_file: KL_TEXT_OUTPUT_FILE cgi_response: GOA_CGI_SERVLET_RESPONSE safe_commit_required, safe_end_version_access_required: BOOLEAN do debug ("goa_application_servlet") io.put_string ("========" + generator + "%N") end -- Previous exception may have left dangling transaction or version access if processing_result /= Void and then ok_to_write_data (processing_result) then log_hierarchy.logger (configuration.application_log_category).info ("safety_commit: " + client_info (request)) safe_commit (processing_result) elseif processing_result /= Void and then ok_to_read_data (processing_result) then log_hierarchy.logger (configuration.application_log_category).info ("safe_version_access: " + client_info (request)) safe_end_version_access (processing_result) end if not failed_once then log_hierarchy.logger (configuration.application_log_category).info ("Request: " + name + client_info (request)) -- io.put_string ("Request: " + name + client_info (request) + "%N") -- Obtain session status and initialize if necessary session_status ?= request.session.get_attribute (configuration.session_status_attribute_name) check valid_session_status: session_status /= Void end create processing_result.make (request, response, session_status, Current) if not session_status.initialized then session_status.initialize (processing_result) end if ok_to_process_servlet (processing_result) then -- init the lists to store the parameters and their processing results create mandatory_parameters_in_request.make_equal create expected_parameters_in_request.make_equal create mandatory_processing_results.make create non_mandatory_processing_results.make -- Verify legality of each parameter; -- illegal input means user has submitted obsolete form (through back button) -- or there is a bug in the form (or form processor) or -- a hacker deliberately submitting illegal form data -- Validity of user input is checked during parameter processing (request_processor.process) parameter_names := request.get_parameter_names from parameter_names.start unexpected_parameters_found := False until parameter_names.after loop current_parameter_is_unexpected := False -- get the parameter name -- raw_parameter_name is used to look up the value in the request -- parameter_name is normalized (suffix removed and all lower case letters) raw_parameter_name := parameter_names.item_for_iteration parameter_name := name_from_raw_parameter (raw_parameter_name) parameter_name.to_lower if not parameter_name.is_empty then parameter_name := name_from_raw_parameter (parameter_name) parameter_value := request.get_parameter (raw_parameter_name) -- Remove leading and trailing spaces from all input; normalize parameter name to lower case parameter_value.left_adjust parameter_value.right_adjust else parameter_value := "" end -- Cross check parameter name against mandatory, expected and possible parameter lists if mandatory_parameters.has (parameter_name) then if not mandatory_parameters_in_request.has (parameter_name) then mandatory_parameters_in_request.force_last (parameter_name) end elseif expected_parameters.has (parameter_name) then if not expected_parameters_in_request.has (parameter_name) then expected_parameters_in_request.force_last (parameter_name) end elseif possible_parameters.has (parameter_name) or add_if_absent_parameters.has (parameter_name) or pass_through_parameters.has (parameter_name) then -- This is a legal parameter else -- This parameter should not be here. current_parameter_is_unexpected := True unexpected_parameters_found := True log_hierarchy.logger (configuration.application_security_log_category).info ("Illegal parameter [" + parameter_names.item_for_iteration + "] with value = %"" + request.get_parameter (parameter_names.item_for_iteration) + "%" received in servlet " + name) end if not current_parameter_is_unexpected then -- Create a processing result for this parameter and add it to the request_processing_result create parameter_processing_result.make (raw_parameter_name, processing_result) processing_result.add_parameter_processing_result (parameter_processing_result, mandatory_parameters.has (parameter_name)) end parameter_names.forth end -- Verify that all of the expected parameters are in fact present in the request all_mandatory_parameters_are_present := equal (mandatory_parameters.count, mandatory_parameters_in_request.count) all_expected_parameters_are_present := equal (expected_parameters.count, expected_parameters_in_request.count) if not all_mandatory_parameters_are_present then log_hierarchy.logger (configuration.application_security_log_category).info ("Missing Mandatory Parameter(s)") if configuration.test_mode then io.put_string ("Missing Mandatory Parameters:%N") from mandatory_parameters.start until mandatory_parameters.after loop if not mandatory_parameters_in_request.has (mandatory_parameters.item_for_iteration) then io.put_string (mandatory_parameters.item_for_iteration + "%N") end mandatory_parameters.forth end end end if not all_expected_parameters_are_present then log_hierarchy.logger (configuration.application_security_log_category).info ("Missing Expected Parameter") if configuration.test_mode then io.put_string ("Missing Expected Parameters:%N") from expected_parameters.start until expected_parameters.after loop if not expected_parameters_in_request.has (expected_parameters.item_for_iteration) then io.put_string (expected_parameters.item_for_iteration + "%N") end expected_parameters.forth end end end -- do the next step only if no unexpected parameters have been found and all mandatory and expected parameters are present if not unexpected_parameters_found and all_mandatory_parameters_are_present and all_expected_parameters_are_present then -- add any add_if_absent parameters which are in fact absent from add_if_absent_parameters.start until add_if_absent_parameters.after loop temp_name := add_if_absent_parameters.item_for_iteration start_version_access (processing_result) suffix_list := request_parameter_for_name (temp_name).suffix_list (processing_result) end_version_access (processing_result) from suffix_list.start until suffix_list.after loop if not processing_result.has_parameter_result (temp_name, suffix_list.item_for_iteration) then create parameter_processing_result.make (full_parameter_name (temp_name, suffix_list.item_for_iteration), processing_result) processing_result.add_parameter_processing_result (parameter_processing_result, False) end suffix_list.forth end add_if_absent_parameters.forth end processing_result.process_parameters -- Perform additional processing if processing_result.was_updated then start_version_access (processing_result) add_database_updated_message (processing_result) end_version_access (processing_result) end if processing_result.all_mandatory_parameters_are_valid then perform_final_processing (processing_result) else perform_invalid_mandatory_parameters_processing (processing_result) end else -- I don't remember why I'm doing this, but it is necessary under certain circumstances! -- Neal processing_result.process_submit_parameter_if_present end end start_transaction (processing_result) servlet := configuration.next_page (processing_result) commit (processing_result) elseif not failed_twice then start_transaction (processing_result) servlet := configuration.next_page (processing_result) commit (processing_result) elseif exception_html (request, response) /= Void then response.send (exception_html (request, response).twin) session_status.set_has_served_a_page else servlet ?= servlet_manager.default_servlet if servlet = Void and then servlet_manager.default_servlet = Void then exceptions.raise ("No default servlet; Please set servlet_manager.default_servlet") elseif servlet = Void then exceptions.raise ("servlet_manager.default_servlet must conform to " + generating_type) end end if not failed_twice then debug ("goa_application_servlet") io.put_string ("Generating Servlet: " + + "%N") end if session_status.virtual_domain_host.use_ssl and servlet.send_secure and not request.is_secure then -- We received an insecure request, but response must be sent via SSL -- Redirect client to an SSL page so they may obtain the response securely processing_result.session_status.set_secure_page (servlet) -- io.put_string ("Redirect to: " + + "%N") response.send_redirect (secure_redirection_servlet.hyperlink (processing_result, "Dummy Text").url) else servlet.send_response (processing_result) end session_status.set_has_served_a_page debug ("goa_application_servlet") io.put_string ("========" + generator + " response sent%N") end end rescue if exception_is_shutdown_signal then processing_result.response.send ("Server Will Be Shut Down
") processing_result.response.flush_buffer elseif exceptions.is_developer_exception_of_name (connection_reset_by_peer_message) then cgi_response ?= response if cgi_response /= Void then create connection_reset_output_file.make (configuration.internal_log_directory + "connection_reset_output.txt") connection_reset_output_file.open_write if cgi_response.content_buffer /= Void then connection_reset_output_file.put_string (cgi_response.content_buffer) else connection_reset_output_file.put_string ("GOA_CGI_SERVLET_RESPONSE.content_buffer was Void%N") end connection_reset_output_file.close end elseif exceptions.is_developer_exception_of_name (broken_pipe_exception_message) or not field_exception (request, response) then -- Do nothing elseif not failed_once then log_hierarchy.logger (configuration.application_log_category).info (generator + " Failed Once:%N" + exceptions.exception_trace) do_get_exception_occurred (request, response) failed_once := True retry elseif not failed_twice then if exceptions.is_developer_exception then log_hierarchy.logger (configuration.application_log_category).info (generator + " Failed Twice: " + exceptions.developer_exception_name) else log_hierarchy.logger (configuration.application_log_category).info (generator + " Failed Twice: " + exceptions.exception.out) end log_hierarchy.logger (configuration.application_log_category).info (generator + " Failed Twice") failed_twice := True retry end end exception_html (request: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST; response: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE): STRING is require valid_request: request /= Void valid_response: response /= Void -- HTML to send to user if an exception in procedure do_get occurs -- May be redefined by descendents do end do_get_exception_occurred (request: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST; response: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is require valid_request: request /= Void valid_response: response /= Void do -- Actions to take if an exception occurs in procedure do_get -- May be redefine by descendents end field_exception (request: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST; response: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE): BOOLEAN is -- Should GOA_APPLICATION_SERVLET.do_get field the exception? require valid_request: request /= Void valid_response: response /= Void once Result := True end do_post (request: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST; response: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is -- Called to allow the servlet to handle a POST request. do do_get (request, response) end feature -- Linking hyperlink (processing_result: REQUEST_PROCESSING_RESULT; text: STRING): GOA_INTERNAL_HYPERLINK is -- A hyperlink to this servlet require valid_processing_result: processing_result /= Void valid_text: text /= Void do create Result.make (processing_result, Current, text) -- I'm having trouble with compatibility with my Wizard Code; I'll have to rethink this later -- Neal -- if tool_tip (processing_result) /= Void then -- Result.set_tool_tip (tool_tip_class (processing_result), tool_tip (processing_result)) -- end end post_hyperlink (processing_result: REQUEST_PROCESSING_RESULT; text: STRING): GOA_EXTERNAL_HYPERLINK is -- A hyperlink to the this servlet require valid_processing_result: processing_result /= Void valid_text: text /= Void do create Result.make (processing_result.virtual_domain_host.host_name + configuration.fast_cgi_directory + name, text) if receive_secure then Result.set_secure end end post_url (processing_result: REQUEST_PROCESSING_RESULT): STRING is -- URL to which data should be posted for this servlet require valid_processing_result: processing_result /= Void do Result := "http" if receive_secure and processing_result.virtual_domain_host.use_ssl then Result.extend ('s') end Result.append ("://") Result.append (processing_result.virtual_domain_host.host_name + configuration.fast_cgi_directory + name) end feature -- Suplementary Processing perform_post_mandatory_parameter_processing (processing_result: GOA_REQUEST_PROCESSING_RESULT) is -- Called after all mandatory parameters have been processed and verified valid -- but before other types of parameters (e.g. expected_parameters) have been processeed -- Descendents may redefine require valid_processing_result: processing_result /= Void all_mandatory_parameters_are_valid: processing_result.all_mandatory_parameters_are_valid not_ok_to_read_write_data: implements_transaction_and_version_access implies not (ok_to_read_data (processing_result) or ok_to_write_data (processing_result)) do -- Default is do nothing ensure not_ok_to_read_write_data: implements_transaction_and_version_access implies not (ok_to_read_data (processing_result) or ok_to_write_data (processing_result)) end -- I'm having trouble with compatibility with my Wizard Code; I'll have to rethink this later -- tool_tip_class (the_topic: PAGE_SEQUENCE_ELEMENT_TOPIC; processing_result: REQUEST_PROCESSING_RESULT): STRING is -- Class of the tool tip associated with this URL -- require -- valid_processing_result: processing_result /= Void -- do -- Result := Void -- end -- tool_tip (the_topic: PAGE_SEQUENCE_ELEMENT_TOPIC; processing_result: REQUEST_PROCESSING_RESULT): STRING is -- -- Text of the tool tip associated with this URL -- do -- Result := Void -- ensure -- valid_result_implies_valid_tool_tip_class: Result /= Void implies tool_tip_class (processing_result) /= Void -- end perform_final_processing (processing_result: GOA_REQUEST_PROCESSING_RESULT) is -- Called after all parameters in servlet form have completed their processing -- Note this means that all mandatory parameters must be valid for this to fire. -- Descendents may redefine require valid_processing_result: processing_result /= Void all_mandatory_parameters_are_valid: processing_result.all_mandatory_parameters_are_valid not_ok_to_read_write_data: implements_transaction_and_version_access implies not (ok_to_read_data (processing_result) or ok_to_write_data (processing_result)) do -- Nothing ensure not_ok_to_read_write_data: implements_transaction_and_version_access implies not (ok_to_read_data (processing_result) or ok_to_write_data (processing_result)) end perform_invalid_mandatory_parameters_processing (processing_result: GOA_REQUEST_PROCESSING_RESULT) is -- Called after parameters in servlet form have completed their processing -- if one or more mandatory parameters in the servlet are invalid -- Note this means that other parameters (e.g. expected parameters) will not have performed their processing -- Descendents may redefine require valid_processing_result: processing_result /= Void all_mandatory_parameters_are_valid: not processing_result.all_mandatory_parameters_are_valid not_ok_to_read_write_data: implements_transaction_and_version_access implies not (ok_to_read_data (processing_result) or ok_to_write_data (processing_result)) do -- Nothing by default ensure not_ok_to_read_write_data: implements_transaction_and_version_access implies not (ok_to_read_data (processing_result) or ok_to_write_data (processing_result)) end feature {GOA_PARAMETER_PROCESSING_RESULT} -- Parameter Semantics mandatory_parameters: DS_LINKED_LIST [STRING] -- Names of parameters that must all be valid for to allow processing of other parameters expected_parameters: DS_LINKED_LIST [STRING] -- Names of parameters that must be present in the request possible_parameters: DS_LINKED_LIST [STRING] -- Parameters that may or may not be present in the request add_if_absent_parameters: DS_LINKED_LIST [STRING] -- Parameters that should be added to the request if they are not present int he request pass_through_parameters: DS_LINKED_LIST [STRING] -- Parameters that are passed through to the processing result without processing them feature -- Logging Facilities client_info (req: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST): STRING is -- A string describing the client the sent req require valid_req: req /= Void local exception_occurred: BOOLEAN do if exception_occurred then Result := "Exception Occurred Gathering Client Information" -- Every now and then a cookie is received which causes -- An exception in this routine else Result := " [host: " if req.has_header ("HTTP_HOST") then Result.append (req.get_header ("HTTP_HOST")) else Result.append ("Not Available") end Result.append ("][client: ") if req.has_header ("REMOTE_HOST") then Result.append (req.get_header ("REMOTE_HOST")) else Result.append ("Not Available") end Result.append ("][client ip: ") if req.has_header ("REMOTE_ADDR") then Result.append (req.get_header ("REMOTE_ADDR")) else Result.append ("Not Available") end Result.append ("][Cookies: ") from req.cookies.start until req.cookies.after loop Result.append ( + "|") Result.append (req.cookies.item_for_iteration.value) req.cookies.forth if not req.cookies.after then Result.append (" ") end end if log_request_content then Result.append ("][Content: ") if req.content /= Void then Result.append (eiffel_string_out (req.content)) end Result.append ("][Query String: ") if req.query_string /= Void then Result.append (eiffel_string_out (req.query_string) + "]") end else Result.append ("][Content/Query String Redacted for Security Purposes]") end end rescue exception_occurred := True Retry end log_request_content: BOOLEAN is -- Should content/query string of request be logged? -- Default is not to log content received from secure servlets do Result := not receive_secure end log_write_error (response: GOA_FAST_CGI_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is do info (configuration.application_log_category, response.socket_error) end log_service_error is -- Called if service routine generates an exception; may be redefined by descendents do if not exception_is_shutdown_signal then log_hierarchy.logger (configuration.application_log_category).info (generator + ".service:%N" + exceptions.exception_trace) end end exception_is_shutdown_signal: BOOLEAN is -- Was the last developer exception a signal to shutdown the application do Result := exceptions.is_developer_exception_of_name (configuration.bring_down_server_exception_description) end service (req: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST; resp: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is -- Handle a request by dispatching it to the correct method handler. local socket_error: STRING do precursor (req, resp) if configuration.bring_down_server then exceptions.raise (configuration.bring_down_server_exception_description) end end feature {NONE} -- Creation make is -- Creation do check not_registered: not servlet_by_name.has (name_without_extension) end servlet_by_name.force (Current, name_without_extension) check registered: servlet_by_name.has (name_without_extension) end create mandatory_parameters.make_equal create expected_parameters.make_equal create possible_parameters.make_equal create add_if_absent_parameters.make_equal create pass_through_parameters.make_equal possible_parameters.force_last ( init (configuration.servlet_configuration) end invariant valid_name: name /= Void and then not name.is_empty valid_mandatory_parameters: mandatory_parameters /= Void valid_expected_parameters: expected_parameters /= Void valid_possible_parameters: possible_parameters /= Void valid_add_if_absent_parameters: add_if_absent_parameters /= Void possible_parameters_has_submit: possible_parameters.has ( is_registered: servlet_by_name.has (name_without_extension) end -- class GOA_APPLICATION_SERVLET