Project Goanna Library ---------------------- Eiffel Code Generator --------------------- This library provides a simple framework for generating Eiffel class texts using an object representation of the class with the ability to stream representative Eiffel code. Usage ----- Create instances of Eiffel structures starting with an EIFFEL_CLASS and any required EIFFEL_FEATURE_GROUPS, EIFFEL_FEATURES and so on. The class text of the structure can then be written to any IO_MEDIUM by calling the 'write' operation on the EIFFEL_CLASS. For example, to create a class with one feature 'test' we could write: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- build_class is local my_class: EIFFEL_CLASS group: EIFFEL_FEATURE_GROUP feat: EIFFEL_ROUTINE do create my_class.make ("MY_CLASS") create group.make ("Basic Operations") my_class.add_feature_group (group) create feat.make ("test") feat.add_body_line ("print (%"Hello there.%")") group.add_feature (feat) -- write the structure to stdout my_class.write (io.output) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------