indexing description: "Objects that can represent either Eiffel functions or procedures" project: "Project Goanna " library: "Eiffel Code Generator" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Glenn Maughan " copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001 Glenn Maughan and others" license: "Eiffel Forum Freeware License v1 (see forum.txt)." class EIFFEL_ROUTINE inherit EIFFEL_FEATURE rename make as feature_make end creation make feature -- Initialisation make (new_name: STRING) is -- Create new routine with 'name' require new_name_exists: new_name /= Void do feature_make (new_name) create params.make end feature -- Access type: STRING -- Type of this feature if it is a function preconditions: DS_LINKED_LIST [DS_PAIR [STRING, STRING]] -- Preconditions (label, expression) of this routine. postconditions: DS_LINKED_LIST [DS_PAIR [STRING, STRING]] -- Postconditions (label, expression) of this routine. params: DS_LINKED_LIST [DS_PAIR [STRING, STRING]] -- Parameter pairs (name, type) of this routine. locals: DS_LINKED_LIST [DS_PAIR [STRING, STRING]] -- Local variable pairs (name, type) of this routine. body: DS_LINKED_LIST [STRING] -- Source code lines that constitute the body of the routine. is_function: BOOLEAN is -- Is this routine a function? do Result := type /= Void end is_deferred: BOOLEAN is -- Is this routine deferred? do Result := body = Void end feature -- Status setting set_type (new_type: STRING) is -- Set the type of this routine to 'type' require new_type_exists: new_type /= Void do type := new_type end add_param (new_parameter: DS_PAIR [STRING, STRING]) is -- Add new parameter with name 'new_parameter.first' and value 'new_parameter.second' require new_parameter_exists: new_parameter /= Void parameter_name_exists: new_parameter.first /= Void parameter_value_exists: new_parameter.second /= Void do params.force_last (new_parameter) end add_local (new_local: DS_PAIR [STRING, STRING]) is -- Add new local with name 'new_local.first' and type 'new_local.second' require new_local_exists: new_local /= Void local_name_exists: new_local.first /= Void local_type_exists: new_local.second /= Void do if locals = Void then create body.make create locals.make end locals.force_last (new_local) end add_body_line (line: STRING) is -- Add 'line' to the body of this routine require line_exists: line /= Void do if body = Void then create body.make create locals.make end body.force_last (line) end add_precondition (precondition: DS_PAIR [STRINg, STRING]) is -- Add a precondition with the expression 'precondition.first' and -- label 'precondition.second' to this routine. require precondition_exists: precondition /= Void do if preconditions = Void then create preconditions.make end preconditions.force_last (precondition) end add_postcondition (postcondition: DS_PAIR [STRING, STRING]) is -- Add a postcondition with the expression 'postcondition.first' and -- label 'postcondition.second' to this routine. require postcondition_exists: postcondition /= Void do if postconditions = Void then create postconditions.make end postconditions.force_last (postcondition) end feature -- Basic operations write (output: IO_MEDIUM) is -- Print source code representation of this routine on 'output' do output.put_string ("%T" + name) if not params.is_empty then write_params (output) end if is_function then output.put_string (": " + type) end output.put_string (" is") output.put_new_line if preconditions /= Void then write_preconditions (output) end if is_deferred then output.put_string ("%T%Tdeferred") output.put_new_line else if not locals.is_empty then write_locals (output) end write_body (output) end if postconditions /= Void then write_postconditions (output) end output.put_string ("%T%Tend") output.put_new_line output.put_new_line end feature {NONE} -- Implementation write_params (output: IO_MEDIUM) is do output.put_string (" (") from params.start until loop output.put_string (params.item_for_iteration.first + ": " + params.item_for_iteration.second) if not params.is_last then output.put_string ("; ") end params.forth end output.put_string (")") end write_locals (output: IO_MEDIUM) is do output.put_string ("%T%Tlocal") output.put_new_line from locals.start until loop output.put_string ("%T%T%T" + locals.item_for_iteration.first + ": " + locals.item_for_iteration.second) output.put_new_line locals.forth end end write_body (output: IO_MEDIUM) is do output.put_string ("%T%Tdo") output.put_new_line from body.start until loop output.put_string ("%T%T%T" + body.item_for_iteration) output.put_new_line body.forth end end write_preconditions (output: IO_MEDIUM) is do output.put_string ("%T%Trequire") output.put_new_line from preconditions.start until loop output.put_string ("%T%T%T" + preconditions.item_for_iteration.first + ": " + preconditions.item_for_iteration.second) output.put_new_line preconditions.forth end end write_postconditions (output: IO_MEDIUM) is do output.put_string ("%T%Tensure") output.put_new_line from postconditions.start until loop output.put_string ("%T%T%T" + postconditions.item_for_iteration.first + ": " + postconditions.item_for_iteration.second) output.put_new_line postconditions.forth end end invariant function_definition: is_function implies type /= Void deferred_definition: is_deferred implies (body = Void and locals = Void) no_body_or_locals: body = Void implies locals = Void params_exist: params /= Void end -- class EIFFEL_ROUTINE