indexing description: "Servlet connector for connecting to standalone servers" project: "Project Goanna " library: "Servlet API" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Glenn Maughan " copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001 Glenn Maughan and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see forum.txt)." class GOA_STANDALONE_CONNECTOR inherit GOA_CONNECTOR SOCKET_ERRORS export {NONE} all undefine default_create end create make feature -- Initialisation make (new_port, new_backlog: INTEGER; document_root, servlet_mapping_prefix: STRING) is -- Initialise require document_root_exists: document_root /= Void prefix_exists: servlet_mapping_prefix /= Void do default_create port := new_port backlog := new_backlog doc_root := document_root servlet_prefix := servlet_mapping_prefix info (generator, "Listening on port: " + port.out) end feature -- Basic operations read_request is -- Read a request from the service. Indicate success of read by -- setting 'last_operation_ok'. local http_request: GOA_HTTPD_REQUEST httpd_response: GOA_HTTPD_SERVLET_RESPONSE request: STRING socket: TCP_SOCKET do if server_socket = Void or else not server_socket.is_valid then create server_socket.make (port, backlog) check_socket_error (server_socket) end if socket_ok then info (generator, "accepting new request") socket := server_socket.wait_for_new_connection check_socket_error (socket) if socket_ok then info (generator, "new request received") request := receive_request (socket) if socket_ok then create http_request.make_standard_socket (socket, request, port, doc_root, servlet_prefix) -- create request and response objects from request buffer create httpd_response.make (request, socket) last_response := httpd_response create {GOA_HTTPD_SERVLET_REQUEST} last_request.make (http_request, httpd_response) last_operation_ok := True else last_operation_ok := False end else last_operation_ok := False error (generator, "error accepting new request") end else last_operation_ok := False error (generator, "error accepting new request") end end feature -- Implementation port: INTEGER -- Listen port backlog: INTEGER -- Number of requests allowed in back log doc_root: STRING -- Document root servlet_prefix: STRING -- Servlet mapping prefix server_socket: TCP_SERVER_SOCKET socket_ok: BOOLEAN -- Was last socket operation successful? receive_request (socket: TCP_SOCKET): STRING is -- Receive request from client require socket_exists: socket /= Void local buffer: STRING done: BOOLEAN do create Result.make (8192) if socket_ok then -- read until complete request has been read content_length_found := False content_length := -1 end_header_index := -1 from create buffer.make (8192) buffer.fill_blank socket.receive_string (buffer) check_socket_error (socket) until done or not socket_ok loop Result.append (buffer.substring (1, socket.bytes_received)) debug ("socket") io.putstring ("Current request string: " + result + "%N") end done := check_request (Result) -- (was True) <===================== Here is the change if not done then buffer.fill_blank socket.receive_string (buffer) check_socket_error (socket) end end debug ("socket") io.putstring ("Current Buffer Contents: " + buffer + "%N") end end end content_length_found: BOOLEAN content_length, end_header_index: INTEGER check_request (buffer: STRING): BOOLEAN is -- Check request to determine if all headers and body have been read require buffer /= Void local content_length_index: INTEGER tokenizer: GOA_STRING_TOKENIZER next_token: STRING do if not content_length_found then -- check for "%R%N%R%N" for all headers read. end_header_index := buffer.substring_index ("%R%N%R%N", 1) if end_header_index /= 0 then end_header_index := end_header_index + 4 -- find content length header create tokenizer.make (buffer, "%R%N") from tokenizer.start until or content_length_found loop next_token := tokenizer.item next_token.to_lower content_length_index := next_token.substring_index ("content-length:", 1) if content_length_index /= 0 then content_length_found := True content_length := next_token.substring (16, next_token.count).to_integer end tokenizer.forth end end end if content_length_found then -- have enough bytes for the body been read? Result := buffer.count = end_header_index + content_length - 1 end end check_socket_error (socket: ABSTRACT_SOCKET) is -- Check for socket error and print require socket_exists: socket /= Void do if socket.last_error_code /= Sock_err_no_error then socket_ok := False error (generator, "socket error: " + socket.last_error_code.out + ", " + socket.last_extended_socket_error_code.out) else socket_ok := True end if Log_hierarchy.is_enabled_for (Debug_p) then debugging (generator, "socket received: " + socket.bytes_received.out + " sent: " + socket.bytes_sent.out + " available: " + socket.bytes_available.out + " valid: " + socket.is_valid.out) end end end -- class GOA_STANDALONE_CONNECTOR