indexing description: "Objects that run within a web server. Servlets receive and respond to requests from Web clients. " project: "Project Goanna " library: "Servlet API" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Glenn Maughan " copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001 Glenn Maughan and others" license: "GNU General Public License version 3 (see gpl-3.0.txt)" deferred class GOA_SERVLET inherit GOA_HTTP_STATUS_CODES export {NONE} all end feature -- Initialization init (config: GOA_SERVLET_CONFIG) is -- Called by the servlet manager to indicate that the servlet is being placed -- into service. The servlet manager calls 'init' exactly once after instantiating -- the object. The 'init' method must complete successfully before the servlet can -- receive any requests. require config_exists: config /= Void deferred end feature -- Access servlet_config: GOA_SERVLET_CONFIG -- The servlet configuration object which contains initialization and startup -- parameters for this servlet. servlet_info: STRING -- Information about the servlet, such as, author, version and copyright. feature -- Basic operations service (req: GOA_SERVLET_REQUEST; resp: GOA_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is -- Called by the servlet manager to allow the servlet to -- respond to a request. require request_exists: req /= Void response_exists: resp /= Void deferred end destroy is -- Called by the servlet manager to indicate that the servlet -- is being taken out of service. The servlet can then clean -- up any resources that are being held. -- be aware that if the server crashes, this command maz not be called -- it is therefore not recomended to relay on this command to store important data deferred end invariant configured: servlet_config /= Void servlet_info_exists: servlet_info /= Void end -- class GOA_SERVLET