DESCRIPTION The four files common.xsl, schema_codes.xsl, deferred_xml_writer, and validating_xml_wrter.xsl are xslt transforms that generate eiffel classes from a Relax NG grammar. schema_codes.xsl creates a class that includes integer codes and string constants representing the elements and attributes defined in the schema. deferred_xml_writer.xsl creates a deferred class that represents a schema fragment intended for inclusion in another schema. This allows eiffel to see documents containing the included schema as distinct types. common.xsl contains some templates that are common to the various transforms. validating_xml_writer.xsl outputs an eiffel class that includes features for creating and populating an xml document conforming with the Relax NG schema. The validity rules defined by the Relax NG grammar are embedded as preconditions in the eiffel class. See test/sample.rnc for an example schema that passes all unit tests. See test/ for an example of how to use the transforms on Linux using the Saxon xslt processor (obsolete). Use the parameters author, copyright, and license to populate the corresponding indexing clauses in the generated Eiffel classes. KNOWN LIMITATIONS 1) The Relax NG grammar used as input to the stylesheet may include elements from only one namespace, and that namespace must be named first in the grammar element. 2) The transforms assume that the xslt processor will return namespace prefixes in the order declared in the grammar element (GEXSLT does). If the class and feature names don't match the grammar namespace prefix, then pass in the prefix as a parameter (prefix=namespace-prefix) 3) xsd:nonNegativeInteger is the only data type supported (it should be easy to add more). 4) When combining grammars, only the combine="choice" option ( |= in compact syntax notation) is supported. The combine="interleave" option ( &= in compact syntax notation) will be interpreted as |=. Currently only the combining of lists is supported: my_list = elem1 | elem2 my_list |= elem3 | elem4 This is equal to my_list = elem1 | elem2 | elem3 | elem4 The following example will not compile my_elem = element ns:elem1 { ... } my_elem |= element ns:elem2 { ... } 5) Does not (currently) support mixing namespaces that contain elements with the same name. 6) Lists of aliases are only allowed for elements and not for attributes 7) Dont try to be too smart with your grammar, stuff like (elem1?)+ won't be recognised properly. Try to keep your gramar simple, this makes it also easier to understand.