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Classes L4E_APPENDER -- Logging appender on which logging events can be appended. L4E_CALENDAR_ROLLING_APPENDER -- Logging appender that writes to a file and is rolled at specified calendar intervals. L4E_CATEGORY_PATTERN_CONVERTER -- Pattern converter for formatting categories L4E_DATE_PATTERN_CONVERTER -- Pattern converter for formatting literal strings L4E_DATE_TIME_LAYOUT -- Layout using 'formatted_date_time - priority - message' L4E_EVENT -- Logging event. L4E_EXTERNALLY_ROLLED_FILE_APPENDER -- Logging appender that writes to standard a file that is rolled when it receives a message via a socket. L4E_FILE_APPENDER -- Logging appender that writes to a file. L4E_FILTER -- Filter for log events to determine if they should be logged or not. L4E_FILTER_CONSTANTS -- Log event filter constants. L4E_FORMATTING_INFO -- Pattern converter formatting information L4E_HIERARCHY -- Hierarchy of logging categories. L4E_LAYOUT -- Abstract notion of an event layout formatter. L4E_LITERAL_PATTERN_CONVERTER -- Pattern converter for formatting literal strings L4E_LOG -- Internal logger used by the logging classes. L4E_LOGGER -- Logging logger. L4E_MESSAGE_PATTERN_CONVERTER -- Pattern converter for formatting event messages L4E_NT_EVENT_LOG_APPENDER -- Logging appender that writes to an NT event log. L4E_PATTERN_CONVERTER -- Pattern converter L4E_PATTERN_LAYOUT -- A flexible layout using a pattern L4E_PATTERN_PARSER -- Pattern parser L4E_PRIORITY -- A logging priority. L4E_PRIORITY_CONSTANTS -- Logging priorities. L4E_PRIORITY_MATCH_FILTER -- Filter matching on priorities. L4E_PRIORITY_PATTERN_CONVERTER -- Pattern converter for formatting priorities L4E_PRIORITY_RANGE_FILTER -- Filter matching on a range of priorities. L4E_RELATIVE_TIME_PATTERN_CONVERTER -- Pattern converter for formatting timestamps relative to the application start time. L4E_ROLL_LISTEN_THREAD -- Thread that listens on a socket for 'RollOver' message and notifies associated appender. L4E_ROLL_SERVER_SOCKET -- Server socket that passes incoming connections to a L4E_SERVING_SOCKET to handle L4E_ROLLING_FILE_APPENDER -- Logging appender that writes to standard a file that is rolled when it reaches a certain size. L4E_SHARED_HIERARCHY -- Logging appender that writes to Unix syslog via a UDP socket. L4E_SHARED_LOG_LOG -- Globally accessible internal logger used by the logging classes. L4E_SIMPLE_LAYOUT -- Simple layout using 'priority - message' L4E_SOCKET_APPENDER -- Logging appender that writes to a TCP socket. L4E_STDERR_APPENDER -- Logging appender that writes to standard error. L4E_STDOUT_APPENDER -- Logging appender that writes to standard output. L4E_STORABLE_EVENT -- Storable logging event. Memento of an event that does not retain the logger reference. L4E_STRING_MATCH_FILTER -- Filter matching on priorities. L4E_SYSLOG_APPENDER -- Logging appender that writes to Unix syslog via a UDP socket. L4E_SYSLOG_APPENDER_CONSTANTS -- Constants defining syslog facilities. L4E_TIME_LAYOUT -- Layout using 'seconds - priority - message' L4E_XML_CONFIG_CONSTANTS -- Logging XML configuration constants. L4E_XML_CONFIG_PARSER -- Logging XML configuration parser.
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Goanna Log4E -- Copyright © 2002 Glenn Maughan