indexing description: "Log4E XML configuration example" author: "Glenn Maughan " copyright: "Copyright (c) 2002, Glenn Maughan" license: "Eiffel Forum Freeware License v1 (see forum.txt)" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class LOG4E_XML_CONFIG inherit L4E_PRIORITY_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end L4E_FILTER_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_ARGUMENTS export {NONE} all end creation make feature make is -- Configure loggers and write events do parse_arguments if arguments_ok then configure_loggers if h /= Void then write_log_events end else print_usage end end arguments_ok: BOOLEAN -- Were the command line arguments parsed correctly? config_file: STRING -- File name of configuration file h: L4E_HIERARCHY -- Logging hierarchy parse_arguments is -- Parse and store argument values do arguments_ok := True if Arguments.Argument_count /= 1 then arguments_ok := False else config_file := clone (Arguments.argument (1)) end end print_usage is -- Print usage message do print ("Usage: log4e_xml_config %N") end configure_loggers is local config: L4E_XML_CONFIG_PARSER do -- configure the hierarchy using the specified XML file create config.make (config_file) -- collect the newly configure hierarchy and hold on to it h := config.hierarchy end write_log_events is -- Write a series of events to the loggers local logger: L4E_LOGGER do -- log events of different priority to logger "a" h.logger ("a").debugging ("This is an debug message") h.logger ("a").info ("This is an informational message") h.logger ("a").warn ("This is a warning message") h.logger ("a").error ("This is an error message") h.logger ("a").fatal ("This is a fatal message") -- create a new logger on the fly and log to it h.logger ("a.b").error ("This is an error message in category a.b") -- log events to logger "b". This time hold onto the logger. Only the -- fatal message will appear in the logger's appender because of the priority. -- The fatal event should also appear in the root appender because of the -- additive flag. logger := h.logger ("b") logger.debugging ("This is an debug message") ("This is an informational message") logger.warn ("This is a warning message") logger.error ("This is an error message") logger.fatal ("This is a fatal message") -- close all appenders in the hierarchy h.close_all end end -- class LOG4E_XML_CONFIG