indexing description: "Servlet that allows dynamic configuration of a Log4e logger." project: "Project Goanna " library: "examples" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Glenn Maughan " copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001 Glenn Maughan and others" license: "Eiffel Forum Freeware License v1 (see forum.txt)." class LOG4E_CONFIG_SERVLET inherit HTTP_SERVLET redefine do_get, do_post end UT_STRING_FORMATTER export {NONE} all end HTTPD_LOGGER export {NONE} all end creation init feature -- Basic operations do_get (req: HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST; resp: HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is -- Process GET request local action: STRING cat_name: STRING response: STRING do action := req.get_parameter ("action") if action /= Void then cat_name := req.get_parameter ("cat") process_action (action, cat_name) end create response.make (1024) debug ("snoop") print ("Snoop Servlet%R%N") end response.append ("Log4E Configuration%R%N") response.append ("

Log4E Configuration

") response.append (logger_list) response.append ("%R%N") resp.set_content_length (response.count) resp.send (response) end do_post (req: HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST; resp: HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is -- Process GET request do do_get (req, resp) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation process_action (action, cat_name: STRING) is -- Process 'action' on 'cat_name' require action_not_void: action /= Void cat_name_not_void: cat_name /= Void local cat: L4E_LOGGER do if action.is_equal ("debug") then Log_hierarchy.logger (cat_name).set_priority (Debug_p) elseif action.is_equal ("info") then Log_hierarchy.logger (cat_name).set_priority (Info_p) elseif action.is_equal ("warn") then Log_hierarchy.logger (cat_name).set_priority (Warn_p) elseif action.is_equal ("error") then Log_hierarchy.logger (cat_name).set_priority (Error_p) elseif action.is_equal ("fatal") then Log_hierarchy.logger (cat_name).set_priority (Fatal_p) elseif action.is_equal ("reset") then Log_hierarchy.logger (cat_name).set_priority (Void) elseif action.is_equal ("additive") then cat := Log_hierarchy.logger (cat_name) cat.set_additive (not cat.is_additive) end end logger_list: STRING is -- Generate logger list local loggers: DS_LIST [L4E_LOGGER] c: DS_LIST_CURSOR [L4E_LOGGER] ac: DS_LIST_CURSOR [L4E_APPENDER] cat: L4E_LOGGER do create Result.make (2000) Result.append ("") from loggers := Log_hierarchy.all_loggers c := loggers.new_cursor c.start until loop cat := c.item -- name Result.append ("") Result.append ("") -- current log level Result.append ("") -- additive Result.append ("") -- appenders Result.append ("") -- actions Result.append ("") Result.append ("") c.forth end Result.append ("
") Result.append ( Result.append ("") if not cat.is_priority_set then Result.append ("(") end Result.append (cat.priority.level_str) if not cat.is_priority_set then Result.append (")") end Result.append ("") if cat = Log_hierarchy.root then Result.append ("N/A") else Result.append (cat.is_additive.out) end Result.append ("") if not cat.appenders.is_empty then from ac := cat.appenders.new_cursor ac.start until loop Result.append (ac.item.generator) Result.append (" (") Result.append ( Result.append (")") ac.forth if not then Result.append ("
") end end else Result.append (" ") end Result.append ("
") Result.append (create_action_anchor ("debug", Result.append (" ") Result.append (create_action_anchor ("info", Result.append (" ") Result.append (create_action_anchor ("warn", Result.append (" ") Result.append (create_action_anchor ("error", Result.append (" ") Result.append (create_action_anchor ("fatal", if cat /= Log_hierarchy.root then Result.append (" ") Result.append (create_action_anchor ("reset", Result.append (" ") Result.append (create_action_anchor ("additive", end Result.append ("
") end create_action_anchor (action, cat_name: STRING): STRING is -- Create an anchor element for 'action' and 'cat_name' require action_not_void: action /= Void cat_name_not_void: cat_name /= Void do create Result.make (40) Result.append ("") Result.append (action) Result.append ("") end end -- class LOG4E_CONFIG_SERVLET