indexing description: "Logging XML configuration parser." project: "Project Goanna " library: "log4e" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Glenn Maughan " copyright: "Copyright (c) 2002 Glenn Maughan" license: "Eiffel Forum License v1 (see forum.txt)." class L4E_XML_CONFIG_PARSER inherit L4E_SHARED_LOG_LOG export {NONE} all {ANY} is_equal, standard_is_equal end L4E_PRIORITY_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end L4E_XML_CONFIG_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end create make, make_with_hierarchy feature -- Initialisation make (config_file_name: STRING) is -- Create a new config parser that will parse the file -- named 'config_file_name'. require config_file_name_exists: config_file_name /= Void do create file_name.make_from_string (config_file_name) create category_elements.make_default create appenders.make_default parse end make_with_hierarchy (config_file_name: STRING; h: L4E_HIERARCHY) is -- Create a new config parser that will parse the file -- named 'config_file_name' and configure 'h'. require config_file_name_exists: config_file_name /= Void h_not_void: h /= Void do hierarchy := h make (config_file_name) end feature -- Parsing parse is -- Parse specified configuration file and create appropriate -- Log4E topology. Make resulting heirarchy available in -- 'hierarchy'. local stream: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE do create parser.make create tree_pipe.make parser.set_callbacks (tree_pipe.start) debug ("log4e_config") Internal_log.warn ("Parsing file: " + file_name.out + "...%N") end create stream.make (file_name) stream.open_read if not stream.is_open_read then internal_log.error ("Cannot open " + file_name.out + " for reading%N") else parser.parse_from_stream (stream) stream.close if not tree_pipe.error.has_error then process_config_tree (tree_pipe.document) else display_parser_error end end end hierarchy: L4E_HIERARCHY -- Configured logging hierarchy feature {NONE} -- Implementation parser: XM_EIFFEL_PARSER tree_pipe: XM_TREE_CALLBACKS_PIPE file_name: STRING -- Name of file to parse. display_parser_error is -- Output parsing error do internal_log.error (parser.last_error_extended_description) end appenders: DS_HASH_TABLE [L4E_APPENDER, STRING] -- Collection of named appenders category_elements: DS_HASH_TABLE [XM_ELEMENT, STRING] -- Collection of category elements for post processing (after all -- appenders have been created so that appender references can -- be resolved. root_element: XM_ELEMENT -- Root element held for post processing all appender refs. process_config_tree (document: XM_DOCUMENT) is -- Process configuration DOM tree. require document_exists: document /= Void local child_node_cursor: DS_BILINEAR_CURSOR [XM_NODE] element: XM_ELEMENT do -- process the root element process_root (document.root_element) if hierarchy /= Void then -- iterate through top level elements and process according to type, -- ignoring root as it is already done if not document.root_element.is_empty then from child_node_cursor := document.root_element.new_cursor child_node_cursor.start until loop element ?= child_node_cursor.item -- skip non-elements if element /= Void then process_element (element) end child_node_cursor.forth end else internal_log.error ("No configuration elements found.") end end post_process_categories post_process_root end process_element (element: XM_ELEMENT) is -- Determine type of element and process require element_exists: element /= Void local name: STRING do name := if name.is_equal (Appender_element_name) then process_appender (element) elseif name.is_equal (Category_element_name) then process_category (element) elseif name.is_equal (Root_element_name) then -- ignore, already processed else internal_log.error ("Unknown top level element type: " + name.out) end end process_appender (element: XM_ELEMENT) is -- Process an appender configuration element require element_exists: element /= Void local name, type: STRING do if element.has_attribute_by_name (Name_attribute) then name := element.attribute_by_name (Name_attribute).value if element.has_attribute_by_name (Type_attribute) then type := element.attribute_by_name (Type_attribute).value create_appender (name, type, element) else internal_log.error ("Appender type attribute not found.") end else internal_log.error ("Appender name attribute not found.") end end create_appender (name, type: STRING; element: XM_ELEMENT) is -- Create an appender of the specified 'type' and store -- in 'appenders' indexed by 'name' require name_exists: name /= Void type_exists: type /= Void element_exists: element /= Void local appender: L4E_APPENDER do if type.is_equal (Stdout_appender_type) then create {L4E_STDOUT_APPENDER} appender.make (name.out) elseif type.is_equal (Stderr_appender_type) then create {L4E_STDERR_APPENDER} appender.make (name.out) elseif type.is_equal (File_appender_type) then appender := create_file_appender (name, element) elseif type.is_equal (Rollingfile_appender_type) then appender := create_rolling_file_appender (name, element) elseif type.is_equal (Calendarrolling_appender_type) then appender := create_calendar_rolling_appender (name, element) end -- process sub-elements process_appender_filters (appender, element) process_appender_layout (appender, element) -- store appender if appender /= Void then appenders.force (appender, name.out) end end create_file_appender (name: STRING; element: XM_ELEMENT): L4E_APPENDER is -- Create a file appender using parameters in 'element' require name_exists: name /= Void element_exists: element /= Void local file, append: STRING do -- retrieve mandatory file name param file := retrieve_param_value (Filename_param_name, element) if file /= Void then -- retrieve optional append param append := retrieve_param_value (Append_param_name, element) if append /= Void and then append.is_equal ("true") then create {L4E_FILE_APPENDER} Result.make (file, True) else create {L4E_FILE_APPENDER} Result.make (file, False) end else internal_log.error ("File appender 'filename' attribute not found.") end end create_rolling_file_appender (name: STRING; element: XM_ELEMENT): L4E_APPENDER is -- Create a rolling file appender using parameters in 'element' require name_exists: name /= Void element_exists: element /= Void local file, append: STRING max_size, number_of_backups: INTEGER_REF do -- retrieve mandatory file name param file := retrieve_param_value (Filename_param_name, element) if file /= Void then -- retrieve mandatory max_size param max_size := retrieve_integer_param_value (Maxsize_param_name, element) if max_size /= Void then -- retrieve mandatory number_of_backups param number_of_backups := retrieve_integer_param_value (Numbackups_param_name, element) if number_of_backups /= Void then -- retrieve optional append param append := retrieve_param_value (Append_param_name, element) if append /= Void and then append.is_equal ("true") then create {L4E_ROLLING_FILE_APPENDER} Result.make (file, max_size.item, number_of_backups.item, True) else create {L4E_ROLLING_FILE_APPENDER} Result.make (file, max_size.item, number_of_backups.item, False) end else internal_log.error ("File appender 'numbackups' attribute not found.") end else internal_log.error ("File appender 'maxsize' attribute not found.") end else internal_log.error ("File appender 'filename' attribute not found.") end end create_calendar_rolling_appender (name: STRING; element: XM_ELEMENT): L4E_APPENDER is -- Create a calendar rolling appender using parameters in 'element' require name_exists: name /= Void element_exists: element /= Void local file, append: STRING number_of_backups: INTEGER_REF do -- retrieve mandatory file name param file := retrieve_param_value (Filename_param_name, element) if file /= Void then -- retrieve mandatory number_of_backups param number_of_backups := retrieve_integer_param_value (Numbackups_param_name, element) if number_of_backups /= Void then -- retrieve optional append param append := retrieve_param_value (Append_param_name, element) if append /= Void and then append.is_equal ("true") then create {L4E_CALENDAR_ROLLING_APPENDER} Result.make (file, number_of_backups.item, True) else create {L4E_CALENDAR_ROLLING_APPENDER} Result.make (file, number_of_backups.item, False) end else internal_log.error ("Calendar rolling appender 'numbackups' attribute not found.") end else internal_log.error ("Calendar rolling appender 'filename' attribute not found.") end end retrieve_param_value (name: STRING; parent: XM_ELEMENT): STRING is -- Locate child param element with specified name. Return value -- if found, Void otherwise. require element_exists: parent /= Void local child_node_cursor: DS_BILINEAR_CURSOR [XM_NODE] element: XM_ELEMENT param_name: STRING do -- iterate through child elements and search for named parameter element if not parent.is_empty then from child_node_cursor := parent.new_cursor child_node_cursor.start until or Result /= Void loop element ?= child_node_cursor.item -- skip non-elements if element /= Void then if (Param_element_name) then -- check for a name attribute if element.has_attribute_by_name (Name_attribute) then param_name := element.attribute_by_name (Name_attribute).value if param_name.is_equal (name) then -- retrieve the value attribute if element.has_attribute_by_name (Value_attribute) then Result := element.attribute_by_name (Value_attribute).value.out else internal_log.error ("Parameter element value attribute not found.") end end else internal_log.error ("Parameter element name attribute not found.") end end end child_node_cursor.forth end end end process_appender_filters (appender: L4E_APPENDER; parent: XM_ELEMENT) is -- Search 'parent' for any nested filter elements and add them to the 'appender' require appender_exists: appender /= Void parent_exists: parent /= Void local child_node_cursor: DS_BILINEAR_CURSOR [XM_NODE] element: XM_ELEMENT type: STRING filter: L4E_FILTER do -- iterate through child elements and search for filter elements if not parent.is_empty then from child_node_cursor := parent.new_cursor child_node_cursor.start until loop element ?= child_node_cursor.item -- skip non-elements if element /= Void then if (Filter_element_name) then -- check for a type attribute if element.has_attribute_by_name (Type_attribute) then type := element.attribute_by_name (Type_attribute).value if type.is_equal (Prioritymatch_filter_type) then filter := create_priority_match_filter (element) elseif type.is_equal (Priorityrange_filter_type) then filter := create_priority_range_filter (element) elseif type.is_equal (Stringmatch_filter_type) then filter := create_string_match_filter (element) else internal_log.error ("Unknown filter type " + type.out) end if filter /= Void then appender.add_filter (filter) end else internal_log.error ("Filter element type attribute not found.") end end end child_node_cursor.forth end end end create_priority_match_filter (element: XM_ELEMENT): L4E_FILTER is -- Create a priority match filter. require element_exists: element /= Void local priority: STRING match: STRING do -- find mandatory priority parameter priority := retrieve_param_value (Priority_param_name, element) if priority /= Void then -- find mandatory match on filter parameter match := retrieve_param_value (Match_param_name, element) if match /= Void then if match.is_boolean then create {L4E_PRIORITY_MATCH_FILTER} Result.make (create_priority (priority), match.to_boolean) else internal_log.error ("Priority match filter element 'match' attribute is not boolean.") end else internal_log.error ("Priority match filter element 'match' attribute not found.") end else internal_log.error ("Priority match filter element 'priority' attribute not found.") end end create_priority_range_filter (element: XM_ELEMENT): L4E_FILTER is -- Create a priority range filter. require element_exists: element /= Void local priority_start, priority_end: STRING match: STRING do -- find mandatory priority startparameter priority_start := retrieve_param_value (Prioritystart_param_name, element) if priority_start /= Void then -- find mandatory priority end parameter priority_end := retrieve_param_value (Priorityend_param_name, element) if priority_end /= Void then -- find mandatory match on filter parameter match := retrieve_param_value (Match_param_name, element) if match /= Void then if match.is_boolean then create {L4E_PRIORITY_RANGE_FILTER} Result.make (create_priority (priority_start), create_priority (priority_end), match.to_boolean) else internal_log.error ("Priority range filter element 'match' attribute is not boolean.") end else internal_log.error ("Priority range filter element 'match' attribute not found.") end else internal_log.error ("Priority range filter element 'priorityend' not found.") end else internal_log.error ("Priority range filter element 'prioritystart' attribute not found.") end end create_string_match_filter (element: XM_ELEMENT): L4E_FILTER is -- Create a string match filter. require element_exists: element /= Void local string: STRING match: STRING do -- find mandatory string parameter string := retrieve_param_value (String_param_name, element) if string /= Void then -- find mandatory match on filter parameter match := retrieve_param_value (Match_param_name, element) if match /= Void then if match.is_boolean then create {L4E_STRING_MATCH_FILTER} Result.make (string, match.to_boolean) else internal_log.error ("String match filter element 'match' attribute is not boolean.") end else internal_log.error ("String match filter element 'match' attribute not found.") end else internal_log.error ("String match filter element 'string' attribute not found.") end end process_appender_layout (appender: L4E_APPENDER; parent: XM_ELEMENT) is -- Search 'parent' for any nested layout element and set it on the 'appender' require appender_exists: appender /= Void parent_exists: parent /= Void local child_node_cursor: DS_BILINEAR_CURSOR [XM_NODE] element: XM_ELEMENT type: STRING layout: L4E_LAYOUT do -- iterate through child elements and search for layout elements if not parent.is_empty then from child_node_cursor := parent.new_cursor child_node_cursor.start until loop element ?= child_node_cursor.item -- skip non-elements if element /= Void then if (Layout_element_name) then -- check for a type attribute if element.has_attribute_by_name (Type_attribute) then type := element.attribute_by_name (Type_attribute).value if type.is_equal (Datetime_layout_type) then create {L4E_DATE_TIME_LAYOUT} layout elseif type.is_equal (Simple_layout_type) then create {L4E_SIMPLE_LAYOUT} layout elseif type.is_equal (Time_layout_type) then create {L4E_TIME_LAYOUT} layout.make elseif type.is_equal (Pattern_layout_type) then layout := create_pattern_layout (element) else internal_log.error ("Unknown layout type " + type.out) end if layout /= Void then appender.set_layout (layout) end else internal_log.error ("Layout element type attribute not found.") end end end child_node_cursor.forth end end end create_pattern_layout (element: XM_ELEMENT): L4E_LAYOUT is -- Create a pattern layout. require element_exists: element /= Void local pattern: STRING do -- find mandatory pattern parameter pattern := retrieve_param_value (Pattern_param_name, element) if pattern /= Void then create {L4E_PATTERN_LAYOUT} Result.make (pattern) else internal_log.error ("Pattern layout element 'pattern' attribute not found.") end end retrieve_integer_param_value (name: STRING; parent: XM_ELEMENT): INTEGER_REF is -- Locate an integer child param element with specified name. Return value -- if found, Void otherwise. require element_exists: parent /= Void local value: STRING do value := retrieve_param_value (name, parent) if value /= Void then if value.is_integer then create Result Result.set_item (value.to_integer) else internal_log.error ("Invalid value found for parameter " + name.out) end end end process_category (element: XM_ELEMENT) is -- Process a category element require element_exists: element /= Void local name: STRING do if element.has_attribute_by_name (Name_attribute) then name := element.attribute_by_name (Name_attribute).value category_elements.force (element, name.out) else internal_log.error ("Category name attribute not found.") end end post_process_categories is -- Process all category elements to resolve appender references local cursor: DS_HASH_TABLE_CURSOR [XM_ELEMENT, STRING] do from cursor := category_elements.new_cursor cursor.start until loop post_process_category (cursor.key, cursor.item) cursor.forth end end post_process_category (name: STRING; element: XM_ELEMENT) is -- Process a category element and create appropriate category object local category: L4E_LOGGER priority: L4E_PRIORITY child_node_cursor: DS_BILINEAR_CURSOR [XM_NODE] child: XM_ELEMENT additive: STRING do category := hierarchy.logger (name) -- search for optional priority attribute if element.has_attribute_by_name (Priority_attribute) then priority := create_priority (element.attribute_by_name (Priority_attribute).value.out) if priority /= Void then category.set_priority (priority) end end -- search for optional additivity attribute if element.has_attribute_by_name (Additive_attribute) then additive := element.attribute_by_name (Additive_attribute).value.out category.set_additive (additive.is_boolean and then additive.to_boolean) end -- search for optional appender refs if not element.is_empty then from child_node_cursor := element.new_cursor child_node_cursor.start until loop child ?= child_node_cursor.item -- skip non-elements if child /= Void then if (Appenderref_element_name) then -- search for mandatory ref attribute if child.has_attribute_by_name (Ref_attribute) then category.add_appender (appenders.item (child.attribute_by_name (Ref_attribute).value.out)) else internal_log.error ("Appender reference 'ref' attribute not found.") end else internal_log.error ("Invalid child node within category: " + name) end end child_node_cursor.forth end end end create_priority (priority_name: STRING): L4E_PRIORITY is -- Create a priority object representing the named priority. -- Return Void if not a valid priority require priority_name_exists: priority_name /= Void local upper_name: STRING do upper_name := clone (priority_name) upper_name.to_upper --| TODO: implement this as a factory if upper_name.is_equal ("DEBUG") then Result := Debug_p elseif upper_name.is_equal ("INFO") then Result := Info_p elseif upper_name.is_equal ("WARN") then Result := Warn_p elseif upper_name.is_equal ("ERROR") then Result := Error_p elseif upper_name.is_equal ("FATAL") then Result := Fatal_p end end process_root (parent: XM_ELEMENT) is -- Process a root element require element_exists: parent /= Void local child_node_cursor: DS_BILINEAR_CURSOR [XM_NODE] element: XM_ELEMENT done: BOOLEAN priority: L4E_PRIORITY do if not parent.is_empty then from child_node_cursor := parent.new_cursor child_node_cursor.start until or done loop element ?= child_node_cursor.item -- skip non-elements if element /= Void then if (Root_element_name) then -- this is the root, get the priority if element.has_attribute_by_name (Priority_attribute) then priority := create_priority (element.attribute_by_name (Priority_attribute).value.out) if priority /= Void then -- if the hierarchy is Void then create a new one, otherwise just set the -- priority if hierarchy = Void then create hierarchy.make (priority) else hierarchy.root.set_priority (priority) end -- store the root element for post processing root_element := element else internal_log.error ("Invalid root category priority.") end else internal_log.error ("Root category priority attribute not found.") end done := True end end child_node_cursor.forth end else internal_log.error ("Root element not found.") end end post_process_root is -- Process a category element and create appropriate category object require root_element_exists: root_element /= Void local child_node_cursor: DS_BILINEAR_CURSOR [XM_NODE] child: XM_ELEMENT do -- search for optional appender refs if not root_element.is_empty then from child_node_cursor := root_element.new_cursor child_node_cursor.start until loop child ?= child_node_cursor.item -- skip non-elements if child /= Void then if (Appenderref_element_name) then -- search for mandatory ref attribute if child.has_attribute_by_name (Ref_attribute) then hierarchy.root.add_appender (appenders.item (child.attribute_by_name (Ref_attribute).value.out)) else internal_log.error ("Appender reference 'ref' attribute not found for root.") end else internal_log.error ("Invalid child node within root.") end end child_node_cursor.forth end end end end -- class L4E_XML_CONFIG_PARSER