description: "Eiffel Ant file for Goanna Log4e tests" project: "Goanna []" library: "log4e" author: "Glenn Maughan []" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2002, Glenn Maughan" license: "Eiffel Freeware License v1 (see forum.txt)" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" Install the Goanna Log4e tests. Run Goanna Log4e tests. Use Eiffel compiler set in ${GOBO_EIFFEL} or 'se' if this variable is not defined. Run Goanna Log4e tests with ISE Eiffel. Run Goanna Log4e tests with Visual Eiffel. Run Goanna Log4e tests with SmallEiffel. Run Goanna Log4e tests in debug mode. Use Eiffel compiler set in ${GOBO_EIFFEL} or 'se' if this variable is not defined. Run Goanna Log4e tests with ISE Eiffel in debug mode. Run Goanna Log4e tests with Visual Eiffel in debug mode. Run Goanna Log4e tests with SmallEiffel in debug mode. Remove intermediary generated files. Remove all generated files. Call 'geant' with the same target ${target} in all subdirectories.