note description: "[ Class to give the user a chance to redefine the optional methods implemented by delegates of NSApplication objects. ]" author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class APPLICATION_DELEGATE inherit NS_OBJECT redefine make end NS_APPLICATION_DELEGATE_PROTOCOL create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize `Current'. do add_objc_callback ("applicationWillFinishLaunching:", agent application_will_finish_launching) Precursor end feature -- NS_APPLICATION_DELEGATE_PROTOCOL application_will_finish_launching (a_notification: detachable NS_NOTIFICATION) -- do setup_and_glue_gui end feature {NONE} -- Implementation setup_and_glue_gui -- Create missing GUI elements, lay them out and connect them with the code. local circle_view: CIRCLE_VIEW frame: NS_RECT window: NS_WINDOW do check attached (create {NS_APPLICATION_UTILS}).shared_application as application then -- Retrieve the application window check attached as windows then check attached {NS_WINDOW} windows.object_at_index_ (0) as attached_window then window := attached_window end end -- Create the circle view and position it in the window create frame.make_with_coordinates (20, 116, 800, 661) create circle_view.make_with_frame_ (frame) circle_view.set_autoresizing_mask_ ((2 + 16).to_natural_64) check attached {NS_VIEW} window.content_view as content_view then content_view.add_subview_ (circle_view) -- Glue GUI to code check attached {NS_COLOR_WELL} content_view.view_with_tag_ (3) as control then control.set_action_ (create {OBJC_SELECTOR}.make_with_name ("takeColorFrom:")) control.set_target_ (circle_view) end check attached {NS_SLIDER} content_view.view_with_tag_ (1) as control then control.set_action_ (create {OBJC_SELECTOR}.make_with_name ("takeRadiusFrom:")) control.set_target_ (circle_view) control.set_continuous_ (True) end check attached {NS_SLIDER} content_view.view_with_tag_ (2) as control then control.set_action_ (create {OBJC_SELECTOR}.make_with_name ("takeStartingAngleFrom:")) control.set_target_ (circle_view) control.set_continuous_ (True) end check attached {NS_TEXT_FIELD} content_view.view_with_tag_ (5) as control then control.set_action_ (create {OBJC_SELECTOR}.make_with_name ("takeStringFrom:")) control.set_target_ (circle_view) end check attached {NS_BUTTON} content_view.view_with_tag_ (4) as control then control.set_action_ (create {OBJC_SELECTOR}.make_with_name ("toggleAnimation:")) control.set_target_ (circle_view) end end end end end