note description: "A visitor used to generate wrappers for Objective-C categories." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CATEGORY_WRAPPER_GENERATOR inherit GENERATOR_VISITOR redefine visit_class_decl, visit_category_decl, visit_method_decl end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_wrappers_generator: WRAPPERS_GENERATOR) -- Initialize `Current' with `a_wrappers_generator'. do create classes.make (0) wrappers_generator := a_wrappers_generator end feature -- Access classes: HASH_TABLE [EIFFEL_CLASS_DECL, STRING] -- A table of eiffel classes that wrap their Objective-C counterpart, indexed by class name. feature -- Operations visit_class_decl (c: OBJC_CLASS_DECL) -- Visit a class declaration. local class_name: STRING categories: HASH_TABLE [OBJC_CATEGORY_DECL, STRING] do current_objc_class := c class_name := if -- We only support NSObject as root class for the moment. Ignore the other root classes. not ( attached c.parent_class as parent_class and then attached as parent_class_name and then (parent_class_name.is_equal ("NSProxy") or parent_class_name.is_equal ("NSPort")) or class_name.is_equal ("NSProxy") or class_name.is_equal ("NSPort") ) then -- Visit categories. categories := c.categories from categories.start until categories.after loop visit_category_decl (categories.item_for_iteration) categories.forth end end end visit_category_decl (c: OBJC_CATEGORY_DECL) -- Visit a category declaration. local inheritance_declarations: HASH_TABLE [ARRAY [TUPLE [option_name: STRING; options: ARRAY[STRING]]], STRING] do check current_objc_class_not_void: current_objc_class /= Void end if not current_objc_class.framework.is_equal (c.framework) then current_objc_category := c create current_eiffel_class.make (objc_class_name_to_eiffel_style ( + category_suffix.as_upper, c.framework) inheritance_declarations := current_eiffel_class.inheritance_declarations inheritance_declarations.put (<<>>, ('/').last.split ('.').first.as_upper) Precursor (c) classes.put (current_eiffel_class, current_objc_category := Void end end visit_method_decl (m: OBJC_METHOD_DECL) -- Visit a method declaration. local features: ARRAY [EIFFEL_FEATURE_DECL] features_groups: HASH_TABLE [TUPLE [export_statuses: ARRAY [STRING]; features: ARRAY [EIFFEL_FEATURE_DECL]], STRING] features_group: TUPLE [export_statuses: ARRAY [STRING]; features: ARRAY [EIFFEL_FEATURE_DECL]] current_objc_category_name: STRING generated_feature: EIFFEL_FEATURE_DECL do check current_eiffel_class_not_void: current_eiffel_class /= Void end check current_objc_class_not_void: current_objc_class /= Void end -- Ignore "..." arguments. if m.arguments.for_all (agent (a: OBJC_ARGUMENT_DECL): BOOLEAN do Result := not a.is_dotdotdot end) then if -- Ignore class methods not m.is_class_method then features_groups := current_eiffel_class.features_groups -- Generate wrapper feature check attached current_objc_category as attached_current_objc_category then current_objc_category_name := end if attached features_groups.item (current_objc_category_name) as attached_features_groups then features_group := attached_features_groups else features_group := [<<>>,<<>>] features_groups.put (features_group, current_objc_category_name) end features := features_group.features generated_feature := generate_wrapper_feature (m) features.force (generated_feature, features.upper + 1) -- Generate external if attached features_groups.item (current_objc_category_name + " " + externals_name) as attached_features_groups then features_group := attached_features_groups else features_group := [<<"NONE">>,<<>>] features_groups.put (features_group, current_objc_category_name + " " + externals_name) end features := features_group.features generated_feature := generate_external (m) features.force (generated_feature, features.upper + 1) end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation generate_wrapper_feature (m: OBJC_METHOD_DECL): EIFFEL_FEATURE_DECL -- Generate an eiffel wrapper feature for `m'. require current_objc_class_not_void: current_objc_class /= Void current_eiffel_class_not_void: current_eiffel_class /= Void local unsupported: BOOLEAN body: STRING code: STRING eiffel_type: STRING feature_name: STRING eiffel_arguments: ARRAY [TUPLE [name: STRING; type: STRING]] objc_arguments: ARRAYED_LIST [OBJC_ARGUMENT_DECL] objc_argument: OBJC_ARGUMENT_DECL args: STRING argument_name_in_eiffel_style: STRING selector_name: STRING method_identifier: STRING retain_policies: HASH_TABLE [BOOLEAN, STRING] first_arg_type: STRING locals: STRING attachment_tests: STRING do selector_name := m.selector_name if m.is_class_method then method_identifier := "+" + selector_name else method_identifier := "-" + selector_name end body := "[ -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. $CODE ]" feature_name := eiffel_name_for_objc_method (m) create Result.make (feature_name, <<>>, body) create code.make_empty check attached m.return_type as type then if not (attached {OBJC_BASIC_TYPE_DECL} type as basic_type and then basic_type.is_void) then if attached {OBJC_BASIC_TYPE_DECL} type then code := "[ local$LOCALS do$ATTACHMENT_TESTS Result := $EXTERNAL_FEATURE_NAME (a_$OBJECT_TYPE.item$ARGS) end ]" eiffel_type := objc_type_to_eiffel_type (type) if eiffel_type.is_equal (unsupported_type) then unsupported := True end elseif attached {OBJC_POINTER_TYPE_DECL} type as pointer_type then if pointer_type.is_pointer_to_selector then eiffel_type := objc_type_to_eiffel_type (pointer_type) check eiffel_type.is_equal ( ('/').last.split ('.').first.as_upper) end code := "[ local result_pointer: POINTER$LOCALS do$ATTACHMENT_TESTS result_pointer := $EXTERNAL_FEATURE_NAME (a_$OBJECT_TYPE.item$ARGS) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then create {$SELECTOR_TYPE} Result.make_with_pointer (result_pointer) end end ]" code.replace_substring_all ("$SELECTOR_TYPE", eiffel_type) eiffel_type.prepend ("detachable ") else eiffel_type := "detachable " code := "[ local result_pointer: POINTER$LOCALS do$ATTACHMENT_TESTS result_pointer := $EXTERNAL_FEATURE_NAME (a_$OBJECT_TYPE.item$ARGS) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like $FEATURE_NAME} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like $FEATURE_NAME} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, $RETAIN) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end ]" retain_policies := configuration.retain_policies if retain_policies.has (method_identifier) then if retain_policies.item (method_identifier) then code.replace_substring_all ("$RETAIN", "True") else code.replace_substring_all ("$RETAIN", "False") end else if selector_name.starts_with ("new") or selector_name.starts_with ("alloc") or selector_name.substring_index ("copy", 1) > 0 or selector_name.substring_index ("Copy", 1) > 0 then code.replace_substring_all ("$RETAIN", "False") else code.replace_substring_all ("$RETAIN", "True") end end if not pointer_type.is_pointer_to_c_string and (pointer_type.is_pointer_to_instance_object and not ("id") implies wrappers_generator.eiffel_class_exists ( (' ').first)) then eiffel_type.append (objc_type_to_eiffel_type (pointer_type)) if eiffel_type.is_equal ("detachable " + unsupported_type) then eiffel_type := unsupported_type unsupported := True end else eiffel_type.append (unsupported_type) unsupported := True end end elseif attached {OBJC_STRUCT_TYPE_DECL} type as struct_type then code := "[ local$LOCALS do$ATTACHMENT_TESTS create Result.make $EXTERNAL_FEATURE_NAME (a_$OBJECT_TYPE.item, Result.item$ARGS) end ]" eiffel_type := objc_class_name_to_eiffel_style ( else code := "[ local$LOCALS do$ATTACHMENT_TESTS Result := $EXTERNAL_FEATURE_NAME (a_$OBJECT_TYPE.item$ARGS) end ]" eiffel_type := unsupported_type unsupported := True end Result.return_type := eiffel_type code.replace_substring_all ("$FEATURE_NAME", feature_name) else code := "[ local$LOCALS do$ATTACHMENT_TESTS $EXTERNAL_FEATURE_NAME (a_$OBJECT_TYPE.item$ARGS) end ]" end end code.replace_substring_all ("$EXTERNAL_FEATURE_NAME", external_prefix + feature_name) first_arg_type := objc_class_name_to_eiffel_style ( code.replace_substring_all ("$OBJECT_TYPE", first_arg_type.as_lower) eiffel_arguments := Result.arguments_list objc_arguments := m.arguments create args.make_empty create locals.make_empty create attachment_tests.make_empty eiffel_arguments.force (["a_" + first_arg_type.as_lower, first_arg_type], eiffel_arguments.count + 1) from objc_arguments.start until objc_arguments.after loop objc_argument := objc_arguments.item if attached objc_argument.type as type then args.append (", ") check attached objc_argument.argument_name as argument_name then argument_name_in_eiffel_style := objc_identifier_to_eiffel_style (argument_name) if not (argument_name_in_eiffel_style.starts_with ("a_") or argument_name_in_eiffel_style.starts_with ("an_")) then argument_name_in_eiffel_style.prepend ("a_") end if attached {OBJC_BASIC_TYPE_DECL} type then eiffel_type := objc_type_to_eiffel_type (type) if eiffel_type.is_equal (unsupported_type) then unsupported := True end args.append (argument_name_in_eiffel_style) elseif attached {OBJC_STRUCT_TYPE_DECL} type as struct_type then eiffel_type := objc_class_name_to_eiffel_style ( args.append (argument_name_in_eiffel_style + ".item") elseif attached {OBJC_POINTER_TYPE_DECL} type as pointer_type then if not pointer_type.is_pointer_to_c_string and (pointer_type.is_pointer_to_instance_object and not ("id") implies wrappers_generator.eiffel_class_exists ( (' ').first)) then eiffel_type := objc_type_to_eiffel_type (pointer_type) if eiffel_type.is_equal (unsupported_type) then eiffel_type := unsupported_type unsupported := True else eiffel_type.prepend ("detachable ") end locals.append ("%N%T" + argument_name_in_eiffel_style + "__item: POINTER") attachment_tests.append ("%N%Tif attached " + argument_name_in_eiffel_style + " as " + argument_name_in_eiffel_style + "_attached then%N") attachment_tests.append ("%T%T" + argument_name_in_eiffel_style + "__item := " + argument_name_in_eiffel_style + "_attached.item%N") attachment_tests.append ("%Tend") args.append (argument_name_in_eiffel_style + "__item") else eiffel_type := unsupported_type unsupported := True end else eiffel_type := unsupported_type unsupported := True end eiffel_arguments.force ([argument_name_in_eiffel_style, eiffel_type], eiffel_arguments.upper + 1) end else check valid_arguments_count: objc_arguments.count = 1 end end objc_arguments.forth end code.replace_substring_all ("$ARGS", args) code.replace_substring_all ("$LOCALS", locals) code.replace_substring_all ("$ATTACHMENT_TESTS", attachment_tests) body.replace_substring_all ("$CODE", code) Result.is_commented := unsupported end generate_external (m: OBJC_METHOD_DECL): EIFFEL_FEATURE_DECL -- Generate an eiffel external feature for `m'. require current_objc_class_not_void: current_objc_class /= Void current_eiffel_class_not_void: current_eiffel_class /= Void local unsupported: BOOLEAN eiffel_arguments: ARRAY [TUPLE [name: STRING; type: STRING]] objc_arguments: ARRAYED_LIST [OBJC_ARGUMENT_DECL] objc_argument: OBJC_ARGUMENT_DECL eiffel_type: STRING body: STRING framework: STRING code: STRING argument_name_in_eiffel_style: STRING do body := "[ -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <$FRAMEWORK/$FRAMEWORK.h>" alias "$SBL $CODE $SBR" end ]" if attached current_objc_category as objc_category then framework := objc_category.framework else framework := current_eiffel_class.framework end body.replace_substring_all ("$FRAMEWORK", framework) body.replace_substring_all ("$SBL", "[") body.replace_substring_all ("$SBR", "]") create Result.make (external_prefix + eiffel_name_for_objc_method (m), <<["an_item", "POINTER"]>>, body) create code.make_empty eiffel_arguments := Result.arguments_list check attached m.return_type as type then if attached {OBJC_STRUCT_TYPE_DECL} type as struct_type then code.append ("*(" + + " *)$result_pointer = ") eiffel_arguments.force (["result_pointer", "POINTER"], eiffel_arguments.upper + 1) elseif not (attached {OBJC_BASIC_TYPE_DECL} type as basic_type and then basic_type.is_void) then code.append ("return ") if attached {OBJC_BASIC_TYPE_DECL} type then eiffel_type := objc_type_to_eiffel_type (type) if eiffel_type.is_equal (unsupported_type) then unsupported := True end elseif attached {OBJC_POINTER_TYPE_DECL} type then code.append ("(EIF_POINTER)") eiffel_type := "POINTER" else eiffel_type := unsupported_type unsupported := True end Result.return_type := eiffel_type end end code.append ("[(" + + " *)$an_item") objc_arguments := m.arguments from objc_arguments.start until objc_arguments.after loop objc_argument := objc_arguments.item code.append (" " + objc_argument.label) if attached objc_argument.type as type then code.append (":") check attached objc_argument.argument_name as argument_name then argument_name_in_eiffel_style := objc_identifier_to_eiffel_style (argument_name) if not (argument_name_in_eiffel_style.starts_with ("a_") or argument_name_in_eiffel_style.starts_with ("an_")) then argument_name_in_eiffel_style.prepend ("a_") elseif argument_name_in_eiffel_style.is_equal ("an_item") then argument_name_in_eiffel_style.append ("_arg") end if attached {OBJC_BASIC_TYPE_DECL} type then eiffel_type := objc_type_to_eiffel_type (type) if eiffel_type.is_equal (unsupported_type) then unsupported := True end code.append ("$" + argument_name_in_eiffel_style) elseif attached {OBJC_STRUCT_TYPE_DECL} type then eiffel_type := "POINTER" code.append ("*((" + + " *)$" + argument_name_in_eiffel_style + ")") elseif attached {OBJC_POINTER_TYPE_DECL} type as pointer_type then if pointer_type.is_pointer_to_c_string or pointer_type.is_pointer_to_class_object or pointer_type.is_pointer_to_instance_object or pointer_type.is_pointer_to_selector then eiffel_type := "POINTER" code.append ("$" + argument_name_in_eiffel_style) else eiffel_type := unsupported_type unsupported := True end else eiffel_type := unsupported_type unsupported := True end eiffel_arguments.force ([argument_name_in_eiffel_style, eiffel_type], eiffel_arguments.upper + 1) end else check valid_arguments_count: objc_arguments.count = 1 end end objc_arguments.forth end code.append ("];") body.replace_substring_all ("$CODE", code) Result.is_commented := unsupported end wrappers_generator: WRAPPERS_GENERATOR -- The wrapper generator. current_objc_category: detachable OBJC_CATEGORY_DECL -- The Objective-C category currently being visited. current_objc_class: detachable OBJC_CLASS_DECL note option: stable attribute end -- The Objective-C class currently being visited. current_eiffel_class: detachable EIFFEL_CLASS_DECL note option: stable attribute end -- The eiffel class currently being generated. end