note description: "A visitor used to generate wrappers for Objective-C structs." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class STRUCT_WRAPPER_GENERATOR inherit GENERATOR_VISITOR redefine visit_type_decl end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_aliases: HASH_TABLE [STRING, STRING]; a_struct_types: HASH_TABLE [OBJC_STRUCT_TYPE_DECL, STRING]) -- Initialize Current with `a_aliases'. do create struct_classes.make (0) aliases := a_aliases struct_types := a_struct_types ensure aliases_set: aliases = a_aliases struct_types_set: struct_types = a_struct_types end feature -- Generation generate_wrappers -- Generage struct wrappers. do from struct_types.start until struct_types.after loop -- -- Debug -- print ("Type: " + + "%N") -- if attached struct_types.item_for_iteration.encoding as encoding then -- print ("Encoding: " + encoding + "%N") -- end -- print ("Reconstructed: " + struct_types.item_for_iteration.debug_output + "%N%N") generate_wrapper (struct_types.item_for_iteration) struct_types.forth end end feature -- Access struct_classes: HASH_TABLE [EIFFEL_CLASS_DECL, STRING] -- A table of eiffel classes to wrap Objective-C structs, indexed by class name. feature -- Operations visit_type_decl (t: OBJC_TYPE_DECL) -- Visit a type declaration. local fields: ARRAYED_LIST [OBJC_TYPE_DECL] key_to_use: STRING ignore_struct: BOOLEAN do if attached {OBJC_STRUCT_TYPE_DECL} t as struct then create key_to_use.make_empty if struct.struct_name.is_equal ("?") then if not ("?") then key_to_use.append ( else ignore_struct := True end else key_to_use.append (struct.struct_name) end if not ignore_struct then if attached struct_types.item (key_to_use) as existing_struct and then (existing_struct.fields.count = 0 and struct.fields.count > 0 or not (existing_struct.struct_name)) then struct_types.force (struct, key_to_use) else struct_types.put (struct, key_to_use) end end fields := struct.fields from fields.start until fields.after loop visit_type_decl (fields.item) fields.forth end elseif attached {OBJC_ARRAY_TYPE_DECL} t as array then if attached array.pointed_type as pointed_type then visit_type_decl (pointed_type) else check pointed_type_not_void: False end end elseif attached {OBJC_POINTER_TYPE_DECL} t as pointer and then not (pointer.is_pointer_to_c_string or pointer.is_pointer_to_class_object or pointer.is_pointer_to_instance_object or pointer.is_pointer_to_selector) then if attached pointer.pointed_type as pointed_type then visit_type_decl (pointed_type) else check pointed_type_not_void: False end end elseif attached {OBJC_UNION_TYPE_DECL} t as union then fields := union.fields from fields.start until fields.after loop visit_type_decl (fields.item) fields.forth end end end feature -- Implementation aliases: HASH_TABLE [STRING, STRING] -- A table of type aliases indexed by the pointed type. -- E.g. Key: CGRect, Value: NSRect (alias). struct_types: HASH_TABLE [OBJC_STRUCT_TYPE_DECL, STRING] -- A table of structs types that have been visited indexed by their name. generate_wrapper (struct: OBJC_STRUCT_TYPE_DECL) -- Generate a wrapper for `struct'. local eiffel_class: EIFFEL_CLASS_DECL eiffel_class_name: STRING creation_procedures_groups: ARRAY [TUPLE [export_statuses: ARRAY [STRING]; names: ARRAY [STRING]]] a_feature: EIFFEL_FEATURE_DECL features: ARRAY [EIFFEL_FEATURE_DECL] body: STRING fields: ARRAYED_LIST [OBJC_TYPE_DECL] field_index: STRING field_type: OBJC_TYPE_DECL original_type_name: STRING original_struct_name: STRING original_type_to_use: STRING struct_name: STRING struct_struct_name: STRING type: STRING value: STRING struct_field_struct_name: STRING struct_field_name: STRING converted_type: STRING fields_count: INTEGER do fields := struct.fields fields_count := fields.count -- Ignore opaque structs (i.e. structs without fields) if fields_count > 0 then original_type_name := original_struct_name := struct.struct_name struct_name := delete_heading_underscores ( struct_struct_name := delete_heading_underscores (struct.struct_name) := struct_name struct.struct_name := struct_struct_name if not struct_name.is_equal (struct_struct_name) and not struct_struct_name.is_equal ("?") then aliases.put (objc_class_name_to_eiffel_style (struct_name), objc_class_name_to_eiffel_style (struct_struct_name)) end -- if struct_struct_name.is_equal ("?") then eiffel_class_name := objc_class_name_to_eiffel_style (struct_name) original_type_to_use := original_type_name -- else -- eiffel_class_name := objc_class_name_to_eiffel_style (struct_struct_name) -- original_type_to_use := original_struct_name -- end create eiffel_class.make (eiffel_class_name, "structs") create features.make_empty -- Inheritance declarations eiffel_class.inheritance_declarations.put (<< ["redefine", <<"out", "is_equal">>]>>, "MEMORY_STRUCTURE") eiffel_class.inheritance_declarations.put (<< ["redefine", <<"out", "is_equal">>]>>, "DEBUG_OUTPUT") -- Creation procedures creation_procedures_groups := eiffel_class.creation_procedures_groups creation_procedures_groups.force ([<<>>, <<"make", "make_by_pointer">>], creation_procedures_groups.upper + 1) -- Comparison create features.make_empty body := "[ -- Is `other' attached to an object considered -- equal to current object? do Result := item.memory_compare (other.item, structure_size) end ]" create a_feature.make ("is_equal", <<["other", "like Current"]>>, body) a_feature.return_type := "BOOLEAN" features.force (a_feature, features.upper + 1) eiffel_class.features_groups.put ([<<>>, features], "Comparison") -- Settings features create features.make_empty from fields.start until fields.after loop field_index := fields.index.out body := "[ -- Set `field$FIELD_INDEX' with 'a_field$FIELD_INDEX'. do c_set_field$FIELD_INDEX (item, a_field$FIELD_INDEX$DOT_ITEM) ensure field$FIELD_INDEX_set: field$FIELD_INDEX ~ a_field$FIELD_INDEX end ]" body.replace_substring_all ("$FIELD_INDEX", field_index) if attached {OBJC_BASIC_TYPE_DECL} fields.item then body.replace_substring_all ("$DOT_ITEM", "") else body.replace_substring_all ("$DOT_ITEM", ".item") end converted_type := objc_type_to_eiffel_type (fields.item) create a_feature.make ("set_field" + field_index, <<["a_field" + field_index, converted_type]>>, body) a_feature.is_commented := converted_type.is_equal (unsupported_type) features.force (a_feature, features.upper + 1) fields.forth end eiffel_class.features_groups.put ([<<>>, features], "Settings") -- Access features create features.make_empty from fields.start until fields.after loop field_index := fields.index.out body := "[ -- Return the struct field. do $CREATION_CODE end ]" field_type := fields.item if attached {OBJC_BASIC_TYPE_DECL} field_type then body.replace_substring_all ("$CREATION_CODE", "Result := c_field" + field_index + " (item)") else body.replace_substring_all ("$CREATION_CODE", "create Result.make%N%Tc_copy_field" + field_index + " (item, Result.item)") end create a_feature.make ("field" + field_index, <<>>, body) converted_type := objc_type_to_eiffel_type (fields.item) a_feature.return_type := converted_type a_feature.is_commented := converted_type.is_equal (unsupported_type) a_feature.setter := "set_field" + field_index features.force (a_feature, features.upper + 1) fields.forth end eiffel_class.features_groups.put ([<<>>, features], "Access") -- Implementation -- Structure Size body := "[ -- Size to allocate (in bytes). external "C inline use <$FRAMEWORK/$FRAMEWORK.h>" alias "return sizeof($TYPE);" end ]" body.replace_substring_all ("$TYPE", original_type_to_use) body.replace_substring_all ("$FRAMEWORK", configuration.framework_name) create a_feature.make ("structure_size", <<>>, body) a_feature.return_type := "INTEGER" create features.make_empty features.force (a_feature, features.upper + 1) -- Field values from fields.start until fields.after loop field_index := fields.index.out field_type := fields.item if attached {OBJC_BASIC_TYPE_DECL} field_type then body := "[ -- Return the field value. external "C inline use <$FRAMEWORK/$FRAMEWORK.h>" alias "return ((($TYPE *) $a_struct_pointer)->field$FIELD_INDEX);" end ]" create a_feature.make ("c_field" + field_index, <<["a_struct_pointer", "POINTER"]>>, body) converted_type := objc_type_to_eiffel_type (fields.item) a_feature.return_type := converted_type a_feature.is_commented := converted_type.is_equal (unsupported_type) else body := "[ -- Return the address of a copy of the field. external "C inline use <$FRAMEWORK/$FRAMEWORK.h>" alias "$LB size_t size = sizeof((($TYPE *) $a_struct_pointer)->field$FIELD_INDEX); memcpy($result_pointer, &((($TYPE *) $a_struct_pointer)->field$FIELD_INDEX), size); $RB" end ]" body.replace_substring_all ("$LB", "[") body.replace_substring_all ("$RB", "]") create a_feature.make ("c_copy_field" + field_index, <<["a_struct_pointer", "POINTER"], ["result_pointer", "POINTER"]>>, body) a_feature.is_commented := objc_type_to_eiffel_type (field_type).is_equal (unsupported_type) end body.replace_substring_all ("$FRAMEWORK", configuration.framework_name) body.replace_substring_all ("$TYPE", original_type_to_use) body.replace_substring_all ("$FIELD_INDEX", field_index) features.force (a_feature, features.upper + 1) fields.forth end -- C field settings from fields.start until fields.after loop field_index := fields.index.out body := "[ -- Set the corresponding C struct field with `a_c_field$FIELD_INDEX'. external "C inline use <$FRAMEWORK/$FRAMEWORK.h>" alias "(($TYPE *) $a_struct_pointer)->field$FIELD_INDEX = $VALUE;" end ]" field_type := fields.item converted_type := objc_type_to_eiffel_type (fields.item) if attached {OBJC_BASIC_TYPE_DECL} field_type then type := converted_type value := "$a_c_field$FIELD_INDEX" else type := "POINTER" value := "*(($CAST *) $a_c_field$FIELD_INDEX)" if attached {OBJC_STRUCT_TYPE_DECL} field_type as struct_field then struct_field_name := struct_field_struct_name := struct_field.struct_name if struct_field_struct_name.is_equal ("?") then value.replace_substring_all ("$CAST", struct_field_name) else value.replace_substring_all ("$CAST", struct_field_struct_name) end else value.replace_substring_all ("$CAST", end end create a_feature.make ("c_set_field" + field_index, <<["a_struct_pointer", "POINTER"], ["a_c_field" + field_index, type]>>, body) body.replace_substring_all ("$VALUE", value) body.replace_substring_all ("$FRAMEWORK", configuration.framework_name) body.replace_substring_all ("$TYPE", original_type_to_use) body.replace_substring_all ("$FIELD_INDEX", field_index) a_feature.is_commented := converted_type.is_equal (unsupported_type) features.force (a_feature, features.upper + 1) fields.forth end eiffel_class.features_groups.put ([<<"NONE">>, features], "Implementation") -- Debug Output body := "[ -- String that should be displayed in debugger to represent `Current'. do ]" body.append ("%N") -- if fields_count > 0 then body.append ("%TResult := %"{%" +%N") from fields.start until fields.after loop field_index := fields.index.out body.append ("%T%T") if objc_type_to_eiffel_type (fields.item).is_equal (unsupported_type) then body.append ("--") end body.append ("%T%"field" + field_index + ": %" + field" + field_index + ".out + %", %" +%N") fields.forth end body.remove_tail (8) body.append ("%N%T%T%"}%"%N") -- else -- body.append ("%TResult := %"{}%"%N") -- end body.append ("end") create a_feature.make ("out, debug_output", <<>>, body) a_feature.return_type := "STRING" eiffel_class.features_groups.put ([<<>>, <>], "Debug Output") struct_classes.put (eiffel_class, eiffel_class_name) end end end