note description: "Auto-generated Objective-C wrapper class" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class NS_MATRIX inherit NS_CONTROL redefine wrapper_objc_class_name end NS_USER_INTERFACE_VALIDATIONS_PROTOCOL create {NS_ANY} make_with_pointer, make_with_pointer_and_retain create make_with_frame_, make_with_frame__mode__prototype__number_of_rows__number_of_columns_, make_with_frame__mode__cell_class__number_of_rows__number_of_columns_, make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_frame__mode__prototype__number_of_rows__number_of_columns_ (a_frame_rect: NS_RECT; a_mode: NATURAL_64; a_cell: detachable NS_CELL; a_rows_high: INTEGER_64; a_cols_wide: INTEGER_64) -- Initialize `Current'. local a_cell__item: POINTER do if attached a_cell as a_cell_attached then a_cell__item := a_cell_attached.item end make_with_pointer (objc_init_with_frame__mode__prototype__number_of_rows__number_of_columns_(allocate_object, a_frame_rect.item, a_mode, a_cell__item, a_rows_high, a_cols_wide)) if item = default_pointer then -- TODO: handle initialization error. end end make_with_frame__mode__cell_class__number_of_rows__number_of_columns_ (a_frame_rect: NS_RECT; a_mode: NATURAL_64; a_factory_id: detachable OBJC_CLASS; a_rows_high: INTEGER_64; a_cols_wide: INTEGER_64) -- Initialize `Current'. local a_factory_id__item: POINTER do if attached a_factory_id as a_factory_id_attached then a_factory_id__item := a_factory_id_attached.item end make_with_pointer (objc_init_with_frame__mode__cell_class__number_of_rows__number_of_columns_(allocate_object, a_frame_rect.item, a_mode, a_factory_id__item, a_rows_high, a_cols_wide)) if item = default_pointer then -- TODO: handle initialization error. end end feature {NONE} -- NSMatrix Externals objc_init_with_frame__mode__prototype__number_of_rows__number_of_columns_ (an_item: POINTER; a_frame_rect: POINTER; a_mode: NATURAL_64; a_cell: POINTER; a_rows_high: INTEGER_64; a_cols_wide: INTEGER_64): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item initWithFrame:*((NSRect *)$a_frame_rect) mode:$a_mode prototype:$a_cell numberOfRows:$a_rows_high numberOfColumns:$a_cols_wide]; ]" end objc_init_with_frame__mode__cell_class__number_of_rows__number_of_columns_ (an_item: POINTER; a_frame_rect: POINTER; a_mode: NATURAL_64; a_factory_id: POINTER; a_rows_high: INTEGER_64; a_cols_wide: INTEGER_64): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item initWithFrame:*((NSRect *)$a_frame_rect) mode:$a_mode cellClass:$a_factory_id numberOfRows:$a_rows_high numberOfColumns:$a_cols_wide]; ]" end objc_set_cell_class_ (an_item: POINTER; a_factory_id: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setCellClass:$a_factory_id]; ]" end objc_cell_class (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item cellClass]; ]" end objc_prototype (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item prototype]; ]" end objc_set_prototype_ (an_item: POINTER; a_cell: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setPrototype:$a_cell]; ]" end objc_make_cell_at_row__column_ (an_item: POINTER; a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item makeCellAtRow:$a_row column:$a_col]; ]" end objc_mode (an_item: POINTER): NATURAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item mode]; ]" end objc_set_mode_ (an_item: POINTER; a_mode: NATURAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setMode:$a_mode]; ]" end objc_set_allows_empty_selection_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setAllowsEmptySelection:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_allows_empty_selection (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item allowsEmptySelection]; ]" end objc_send_action__to__for_all_cells_ (an_item: POINTER; a_selector: POINTER; an_object: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item sendAction:$a_selector to:$an_object forAllCells:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_cells (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item cells]; ]" end objc_sort_using_selector_ (an_item: POINTER; a_comparator: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item sortUsingSelector:$a_comparator]; ]" end -- objc_sort_using_function__context_ (an_item: POINTER; a_compare: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; a_context: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE) -- -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. -- external -- "C inline use " -- alias -- "[ -- [(NSMatrix *)$an_item sortUsingFunction: context:]; -- ]" -- end objc_selected_cells (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item selectedCells]; ]" end objc_selected_row (an_item: POINTER): INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item selectedRow]; ]" end objc_selected_column (an_item: POINTER): INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item selectedColumn]; ]" end objc_set_selection_by_rect_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setSelectionByRect:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_is_selection_by_rect (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item isSelectionByRect]; ]" end objc_set_selection_from__to__anchor__highlight_ (an_item: POINTER; a_start_pos: INTEGER_64; a_end_pos: INTEGER_64; a_anchor_pos: INTEGER_64; a_lit: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setSelectionFrom:$a_start_pos to:$a_end_pos anchor:$a_anchor_pos highlight:$a_lit]; ]" end objc_deselect_selected_cell (an_item: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item deselectSelectedCell]; ]" end objc_deselect_all_cells (an_item: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item deselectAllCells]; ]" end objc_select_cell_at_row__column_ (an_item: POINTER; a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item selectCellAtRow:$a_row column:$a_col]; ]" end objc_select_cell_with_tag_ (an_item: POINTER; an_int: INTEGER_64): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item selectCellWithTag:$an_int]; ]" end objc_cell_size (an_item: POINTER; result_pointer: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ *(NSSize *)$result_pointer = [(NSMatrix *)$an_item cellSize]; ]" end objc_set_cell_size_ (an_item: POINTER; a_size: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setCellSize:*((NSSize *)$a_size)]; ]" end objc_intercell_spacing (an_item: POINTER; result_pointer: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ *(NSSize *)$result_pointer = [(NSMatrix *)$an_item intercellSpacing]; ]" end objc_set_intercell_spacing_ (an_item: POINTER; a_size: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setIntercellSpacing:*((NSSize *)$a_size)]; ]" end objc_set_scrollable_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setScrollable:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_set_background_color_ (an_item: POINTER; a_color: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setBackgroundColor:$a_color]; ]" end objc_background_color (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item backgroundColor]; ]" end objc_set_cell_background_color_ (an_item: POINTER; a_color: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setCellBackgroundColor:$a_color]; ]" end objc_cell_background_color (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item cellBackgroundColor]; ]" end objc_set_draws_cell_background_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setDrawsCellBackground:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_draws_cell_background (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item drawsCellBackground]; ]" end objc_set_draws_background_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setDrawsBackground:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_draws_background (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item drawsBackground]; ]" end objc_set_state__at_row__column_ (an_item: POINTER; a_value: INTEGER_64; a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setState:$a_value atRow:$a_row column:$a_col]; ]" end -- objc_get_number_of_rows__columns_ (an_item: POINTER; a_row_count: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; a_col_count: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE) -- -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. -- external -- "C inline use " -- alias -- "[ -- [(NSMatrix *)$an_item getNumberOfRows: columns:]; -- ]" -- end objc_number_of_rows (an_item: POINTER): INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item numberOfRows]; ]" end objc_number_of_columns (an_item: POINTER): INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item numberOfColumns]; ]" end objc_cell_at_row__column_ (an_item: POINTER; a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item cellAtRow:$a_row column:$a_col]; ]" end objc_cell_frame_at_row__column_ (an_item: POINTER; result_pointer: POINTER; a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ *(NSRect *)$result_pointer = [(NSMatrix *)$an_item cellFrameAtRow:$a_row column:$a_col]; ]" end -- objc_get_row__column__of_cell_ (an_item: POINTER; a_row: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; a_col: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; a_cell: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. -- external -- "C inline use " -- alias -- "[ -- return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item getRow: column: ofCell:$a_cell]; -- ]" -- end -- objc_get_row__column__for_point_ (an_item: POINTER; a_row: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; a_col: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; a_point: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. -- external -- "C inline use " -- alias -- "[ -- return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item getRow: column: forPoint:*((NSPoint *)$a_point)]; -- ]" -- end objc_renew_rows__columns_ (an_item: POINTER; a_new_rows: INTEGER_64; a_new_cols: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item renewRows:$a_new_rows columns:$a_new_cols]; ]" end objc_put_cell__at_row__column_ (an_item: POINTER; a_new_cell: POINTER; a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item putCell:$a_new_cell atRow:$a_row column:$a_col]; ]" end objc_add_row (an_item: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item addRow]; ]" end objc_add_row_with_cells_ (an_item: POINTER; a_new_cells: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item addRowWithCells:$a_new_cells]; ]" end objc_insert_row_ (an_item: POINTER; a_row: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item insertRow:$a_row]; ]" end objc_insert_row__with_cells_ (an_item: POINTER; a_row: INTEGER_64; a_new_cells: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item insertRow:$a_row withCells:$a_new_cells]; ]" end objc_remove_row_ (an_item: POINTER; a_row: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item removeRow:$a_row]; ]" end objc_add_column (an_item: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item addColumn]; ]" end objc_add_column_with_cells_ (an_item: POINTER; a_new_cells: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item addColumnWithCells:$a_new_cells]; ]" end objc_insert_column_ (an_item: POINTER; a_column: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item insertColumn:$a_column]; ]" end objc_insert_column__with_cells_ (an_item: POINTER; a_column: INTEGER_64; a_new_cells: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item insertColumn:$a_column withCells:$a_new_cells]; ]" end objc_remove_column_ (an_item: POINTER; a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item removeColumn:$a_col]; ]" end objc_cell_with_tag_ (an_item: POINTER; an_int: INTEGER_64): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item cellWithTag:$an_int]; ]" end objc_double_action (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item doubleAction]; ]" end objc_set_double_action_ (an_item: POINTER; a_selector: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setDoubleAction:$a_selector]; ]" end objc_set_autosizes_cells_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setAutosizesCells:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_autosizes_cells (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item autosizesCells]; ]" end objc_size_to_cells (an_item: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item sizeToCells]; ]" end objc_set_validate_size_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setValidateSize:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_draw_cell_at_row__column_ (an_item: POINTER; a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item drawCellAtRow:$a_row column:$a_col]; ]" end objc_highlight_cell__at_row__column_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN; a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item highlightCell:$a_flag atRow:$a_row column:$a_col]; ]" end objc_set_autoscroll_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setAutoscroll:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_is_autoscroll (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item isAutoscroll]; ]" end objc_scroll_cell_to_visible_at_row__column_ (an_item: POINTER; a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item scrollCellToVisibleAtRow:$a_row column:$a_col]; ]" end objc_mouse_down_flags (an_item: POINTER): INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item mouseDownFlags]; ]" end objc_send_action (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item sendAction]; ]" end objc_send_double_action (an_item: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item sendDoubleAction]; ]" end objc_delegate (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item delegate]; ]" end objc_set_delegate_ (an_item: POINTER; an_object: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setDelegate:$an_object]; ]" end objc_text_should_begin_editing_ (an_item: POINTER; a_text_object: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item textShouldBeginEditing:$a_text_object]; ]" end objc_text_should_end_editing_ (an_item: POINTER; a_text_object: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item textShouldEndEditing:$a_text_object]; ]" end objc_text_did_begin_editing_ (an_item: POINTER; a_notification: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item textDidBeginEditing:$a_notification]; ]" end objc_text_did_end_editing_ (an_item: POINTER; a_notification: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item textDidEndEditing:$a_notification]; ]" end objc_text_did_change_ (an_item: POINTER; a_notification: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item textDidChange:$a_notification]; ]" end objc_select_text_ (an_item: POINTER; a_sender: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item selectText:$a_sender]; ]" end objc_select_text_at_row__column_ (an_item: POINTER; a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item selectTextAtRow:$a_row column:$a_col]; ]" end objc_set_tool_tip__for_cell_ (an_item: POINTER; a_tool_tip_string: POINTER; a_cell: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setToolTip:$a_tool_tip_string forCell:$a_cell]; ]" end objc_tool_tip_for_cell_ (an_item: POINTER; a_cell: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item toolTipForCell:$a_cell]; ]" end feature -- NSMatrix set_cell_class_ (a_factory_id: detachable OBJC_CLASS) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_factory_id__item: POINTER do if attached a_factory_id as a_factory_id_attached then a_factory_id__item := a_factory_id_attached.item end objc_set_cell_class_ (item, a_factory_id__item) end cell_class: detachable OBJC_CLASS -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_cell_class (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like cell_class} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like cell_class} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end prototype: detachable NS_OBJECT -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_prototype (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like prototype} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like prototype} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end set_prototype_ (a_cell: detachable NS_CELL) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_cell__item: POINTER do if attached a_cell as a_cell_attached then a_cell__item := a_cell_attached.item end objc_set_prototype_ (item, a_cell__item) end make_cell_at_row__column_ (a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64): detachable NS_CELL -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_make_cell_at_row__column_ (item, a_row, a_col) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like make_cell_at_row__column_} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like make_cell_at_row__column_} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end mode: NATURAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_mode (item) end set_mode_ (a_mode: NATURAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_mode_ (item, a_mode) end set_allows_empty_selection_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_allows_empty_selection_ (item, a_flag) end allows_empty_selection: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_allows_empty_selection (item) end send_action__to__for_all_cells_ (a_selector: detachable OBJC_SELECTOR; an_object: detachable NS_OBJECT; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_selector__item: POINTER an_object__item: POINTER do if attached a_selector as a_selector_attached then a_selector__item := a_selector_attached.item end if attached an_object as an_object_attached then an_object__item := an_object_attached.item end objc_send_action__to__for_all_cells_ (item, a_selector__item, an_object__item, a_flag) end cells: detachable NS_ARRAY -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_cells (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like cells} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like cells} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end sort_using_selector_ (a_comparator: detachable OBJC_SELECTOR) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_comparator__item: POINTER do if attached a_comparator as a_comparator_attached then a_comparator__item := a_comparator_attached.item end objc_sort_using_selector_ (item, a_comparator__item) end -- sort_using_function__context_ (a_compare: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; a_context: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE) -- -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. -- local -- a_compare__item: POINTER -- a_context__item: POINTER -- do -- if attached a_compare as a_compare_attached then -- a_compare__item := a_compare_attached.item -- end -- if attached a_context as a_context_attached then -- a_context__item := a_context_attached.item -- end -- objc_sort_using_function__context_ (item, a_compare__item, a_context__item) -- end selected_cells: detachable NS_ARRAY -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_selected_cells (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like selected_cells} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like selected_cells} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end selected_row: INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_selected_row (item) end selected_column: INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_selected_column (item) end set_selection_by_rect_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_selection_by_rect_ (item, a_flag) end is_selection_by_rect: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_is_selection_by_rect (item) end set_selection_from__to__anchor__highlight_ (a_start_pos: INTEGER_64; a_end_pos: INTEGER_64; a_anchor_pos: INTEGER_64; a_lit: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_selection_from__to__anchor__highlight_ (item, a_start_pos, a_end_pos, a_anchor_pos, a_lit) end deselect_selected_cell -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_deselect_selected_cell (item) end deselect_all_cells -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_deselect_all_cells (item) end select_cell_at_row__column_ (a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_select_cell_at_row__column_ (item, a_row, a_col) end select_cell_with_tag_ (an_int: INTEGER_64): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_select_cell_with_tag_ (item, an_int) end cell_size: NS_SIZE -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do create Result.make objc_cell_size (item, Result.item) end set_cell_size_ (a_size: NS_SIZE) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_cell_size_ (item, a_size.item) end intercell_spacing: NS_SIZE -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do create Result.make objc_intercell_spacing (item, Result.item) end set_intercell_spacing_ (a_size: NS_SIZE) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_intercell_spacing_ (item, a_size.item) end set_scrollable_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_scrollable_ (item, a_flag) end set_background_color_ (a_color: detachable NS_COLOR) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_color__item: POINTER do if attached a_color as a_color_attached then a_color__item := a_color_attached.item end objc_set_background_color_ (item, a_color__item) end background_color: detachable NS_COLOR -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_background_color (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like background_color} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like background_color} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end set_cell_background_color_ (a_color: detachable NS_COLOR) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_color__item: POINTER do if attached a_color as a_color_attached then a_color__item := a_color_attached.item end objc_set_cell_background_color_ (item, a_color__item) end cell_background_color: detachable NS_COLOR -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_cell_background_color (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like cell_background_color} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like cell_background_color} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end set_draws_cell_background_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_draws_cell_background_ (item, a_flag) end draws_cell_background: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_draws_cell_background (item) end set_draws_background_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_draws_background_ (item, a_flag) end draws_background: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_draws_background (item) end set_state__at_row__column_ (a_value: INTEGER_64; a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_state__at_row__column_ (item, a_value, a_row, a_col) end -- get_number_of_rows__columns_ (a_row_count: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; a_col_count: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE) -- -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. -- local -- a_row_count__item: POINTER -- a_col_count__item: POINTER -- do -- if attached a_row_count as a_row_count_attached then -- a_row_count__item := a_row_count_attached.item -- end -- if attached a_col_count as a_col_count_attached then -- a_col_count__item := a_col_count_attached.item -- end -- objc_get_number_of_rows__columns_ (item, a_row_count__item, a_col_count__item) -- end number_of_rows: INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_number_of_rows (item) end number_of_columns: INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_number_of_columns (item) end cell_at_row__column_ (a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64): detachable NS_OBJECT -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_cell_at_row__column_ (item, a_row, a_col) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like cell_at_row__column_} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like cell_at_row__column_} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end cell_frame_at_row__column_ (a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64): NS_RECT -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do create Result.make objc_cell_frame_at_row__column_ (item, Result.item, a_row, a_col) end -- get_row__column__of_cell_ (a_row: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; a_col: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; a_cell: detachable NS_CELL): BOOLEAN -- -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. -- local -- a_row__item: POINTER -- a_col__item: POINTER -- a_cell__item: POINTER -- do -- if attached a_row as a_row_attached then -- a_row__item := a_row_attached.item -- end -- if attached a_col as a_col_attached then -- a_col__item := a_col_attached.item -- end -- if attached a_cell as a_cell_attached then -- a_cell__item := a_cell_attached.item -- end -- Result := objc_get_row__column__of_cell_ (item, a_row__item, a_col__item, a_cell__item) -- end -- get_row__column__for_point_ (a_row: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; a_col: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; a_point: NS_POINT): BOOLEAN -- -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. -- local -- a_row__item: POINTER -- a_col__item: POINTER -- do -- if attached a_row as a_row_attached then -- a_row__item := a_row_attached.item -- end -- if attached a_col as a_col_attached then -- a_col__item := a_col_attached.item -- end -- Result := objc_get_row__column__for_point_ (item, a_row__item, a_col__item, a_point.item) -- end renew_rows__columns_ (a_new_rows: INTEGER_64; a_new_cols: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_renew_rows__columns_ (item, a_new_rows, a_new_cols) end put_cell__at_row__column_ (a_new_cell: detachable NS_CELL; a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_new_cell__item: POINTER do if attached a_new_cell as a_new_cell_attached then a_new_cell__item := a_new_cell_attached.item end objc_put_cell__at_row__column_ (item, a_new_cell__item, a_row, a_col) end add_row -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_add_row (item) end add_row_with_cells_ (a_new_cells: detachable NS_ARRAY) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_new_cells__item: POINTER do if attached a_new_cells as a_new_cells_attached then a_new_cells__item := a_new_cells_attached.item end objc_add_row_with_cells_ (item, a_new_cells__item) end insert_row_ (a_row: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_insert_row_ (item, a_row) end insert_row__with_cells_ (a_row: INTEGER_64; a_new_cells: detachable NS_ARRAY) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_new_cells__item: POINTER do if attached a_new_cells as a_new_cells_attached then a_new_cells__item := a_new_cells_attached.item end objc_insert_row__with_cells_ (item, a_row, a_new_cells__item) end remove_row_ (a_row: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_remove_row_ (item, a_row) end add_column -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_add_column (item) end add_column_with_cells_ (a_new_cells: detachable NS_ARRAY) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_new_cells__item: POINTER do if attached a_new_cells as a_new_cells_attached then a_new_cells__item := a_new_cells_attached.item end objc_add_column_with_cells_ (item, a_new_cells__item) end insert_column_ (a_column: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_insert_column_ (item, a_column) end insert_column__with_cells_ (a_column: INTEGER_64; a_new_cells: detachable NS_ARRAY) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_new_cells__item: POINTER do if attached a_new_cells as a_new_cells_attached then a_new_cells__item := a_new_cells_attached.item end objc_insert_column__with_cells_ (item, a_column, a_new_cells__item) end remove_column_ (a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_remove_column_ (item, a_col) end cell_with_tag_ (an_int: INTEGER_64): detachable NS_OBJECT -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_cell_with_tag_ (item, an_int) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like cell_with_tag_} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like cell_with_tag_} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end double_action: detachable OBJC_SELECTOR -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_double_action (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then create {OBJC_SELECTOR} Result.make_with_pointer (result_pointer) end end set_double_action_ (a_selector: detachable OBJC_SELECTOR) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_selector__item: POINTER do if attached a_selector as a_selector_attached then a_selector__item := a_selector_attached.item end objc_set_double_action_ (item, a_selector__item) end set_autosizes_cells_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_autosizes_cells_ (item, a_flag) end autosizes_cells: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_autosizes_cells (item) end size_to_cells -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_size_to_cells (item) end set_validate_size_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_validate_size_ (item, a_flag) end draw_cell_at_row__column_ (a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_draw_cell_at_row__column_ (item, a_row, a_col) end highlight_cell__at_row__column_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN; a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_highlight_cell__at_row__column_ (item, a_flag, a_row, a_col) end set_autoscroll_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_autoscroll_ (item, a_flag) end is_autoscroll: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_is_autoscroll (item) end scroll_cell_to_visible_at_row__column_ (a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_scroll_cell_to_visible_at_row__column_ (item, a_row, a_col) end mouse_down_flags: INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_mouse_down_flags (item) end send_action: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_send_action (item) end send_double_action -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_send_double_action (item) end delegate: detachable NS_MATRIX_DELEGATE_PROTOCOL -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_delegate (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like delegate} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like delegate} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end set_delegate_ (an_object: detachable NS_MATRIX_DELEGATE_PROTOCOL) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local an_object__item: POINTER do if attached an_object as an_object_attached then an_object__item := an_object_attached.item end objc_set_delegate_ (item, an_object__item) end text_should_begin_editing_ (a_text_object: detachable NS_TEXT): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_text_object__item: POINTER do if attached a_text_object as a_text_object_attached then a_text_object__item := a_text_object_attached.item end Result := objc_text_should_begin_editing_ (item, a_text_object__item) end text_should_end_editing_ (a_text_object: detachable NS_TEXT): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_text_object__item: POINTER do if attached a_text_object as a_text_object_attached then a_text_object__item := a_text_object_attached.item end Result := objc_text_should_end_editing_ (item, a_text_object__item) end text_did_begin_editing_ (a_notification: detachable NS_NOTIFICATION) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_notification__item: POINTER do if attached a_notification as a_notification_attached then a_notification__item := a_notification_attached.item end objc_text_did_begin_editing_ (item, a_notification__item) end text_did_end_editing_ (a_notification: detachable NS_NOTIFICATION) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_notification__item: POINTER do if attached a_notification as a_notification_attached then a_notification__item := a_notification_attached.item end objc_text_did_end_editing_ (item, a_notification__item) end text_did_change_ (a_notification: detachable NS_NOTIFICATION) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_notification__item: POINTER do if attached a_notification as a_notification_attached then a_notification__item := a_notification_attached.item end objc_text_did_change_ (item, a_notification__item) end select_text_ (a_sender: detachable NS_OBJECT) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_sender__item: POINTER do if attached a_sender as a_sender_attached then a_sender__item := a_sender_attached.item end objc_select_text_ (item, a_sender__item) end select_text_at_row__column_ (a_row: INTEGER_64; a_col: INTEGER_64): detachable NS_OBJECT -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_select_text_at_row__column_ (item, a_row, a_col) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like select_text_at_row__column_} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like select_text_at_row__column_} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end set_tool_tip__for_cell_ (a_tool_tip_string: detachable NS_STRING; a_cell: detachable NS_CELL) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_tool_tip_string__item: POINTER a_cell__item: POINTER do if attached a_tool_tip_string as a_tool_tip_string_attached then a_tool_tip_string__item := a_tool_tip_string_attached.item end if attached a_cell as a_cell_attached then a_cell__item := a_cell_attached.item end objc_set_tool_tip__for_cell_ (item, a_tool_tip_string__item, a_cell__item) end tool_tip_for_cell_ (a_cell: detachable NS_CELL): detachable NS_STRING -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER a_cell__item: POINTER do if attached a_cell as a_cell_attached then a_cell__item := a_cell_attached.item end result_pointer := objc_tool_tip_for_cell_ (item, a_cell__item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like tool_tip_for_cell_} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like tool_tip_for_cell_} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end feature -- NSKeyboardUI set_tab_key_traverses_cells_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_tab_key_traverses_cells_ (item, a_flag) end tab_key_traverses_cells: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_tab_key_traverses_cells (item) end set_key_cell_ (a_key_cell: detachable NS_CELL) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_key_cell__item: POINTER do if attached a_key_cell as a_key_cell_attached then a_key_cell__item := a_key_cell_attached.item end objc_set_key_cell_ (item, a_key_cell__item) end key_cell: detachable NS_OBJECT -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_key_cell (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like key_cell} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like key_cell} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end feature {NONE} -- NSKeyboardUI Externals objc_set_tab_key_traverses_cells_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setTabKeyTraversesCells:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_tab_key_traverses_cells (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSMatrix *)$an_item tabKeyTraversesCells]; ]" end objc_set_key_cell_ (an_item: POINTER; a_key_cell: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSMatrix *)$an_item setKeyCell:$a_key_cell]; ]" end objc_key_cell (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSMatrix *)$an_item keyCell]; ]" end feature {NONE} -- Implementation wrapper_objc_class_name: STRING -- The class name used for classes of the generated wrapper classes. do Result := "NSMatrix" end end