note description: "Auto-generated Objective-C wrapper class" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class NS_SOUND inherit NS_OBJECT redefine wrapper_objc_class_name end create {NS_ANY} make_with_pointer, make_with_pointer_and_retain create make_with_contents_of_ur_l__by_reference_, make_with_contents_of_file__by_reference_, make_with_data_, make_with_pasteboard_, make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_contents_of_ur_l__by_reference_ (a_url: detachable NS_URL; a_by_ref: BOOLEAN) -- Initialize `Current'. local a_url__item: POINTER do if attached a_url as a_url_attached then a_url__item := a_url_attached.item end make_with_pointer (objc_init_with_contents_of_ur_l__by_reference_(allocate_object, a_url__item, a_by_ref)) if item = default_pointer then -- TODO: handle initialization error. end end make_with_contents_of_file__by_reference_ (a_path: detachable NS_STRING; a_by_ref: BOOLEAN) -- Initialize `Current'. local a_path__item: POINTER do if attached a_path as a_path_attached then a_path__item := a_path_attached.item end make_with_pointer (objc_init_with_contents_of_file__by_reference_(allocate_object, a_path__item, a_by_ref)) if item = default_pointer then -- TODO: handle initialization error. end end make_with_data_ (a_data: detachable NS_DATA) -- Initialize `Current'. local a_data__item: POINTER do if attached a_data as a_data_attached then a_data__item := a_data_attached.item end make_with_pointer (objc_init_with_data_(allocate_object, a_data__item)) if item = default_pointer then -- TODO: handle initialization error. end end make_with_pasteboard_ (a_pasteboard: detachable NS_PASTEBOARD) -- Initialize `Current'. local a_pasteboard__item: POINTER do if attached a_pasteboard as a_pasteboard_attached then a_pasteboard__item := a_pasteboard_attached.item end make_with_pointer (objc_init_with_pasteboard_(allocate_object, a_pasteboard__item)) if item = default_pointer then -- TODO: handle initialization error. end end feature {NONE} -- NSSound Externals objc_init_with_contents_of_ur_l__by_reference_ (an_item: POINTER; a_url: POINTER; a_by_ref: BOOLEAN): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSSound *)$an_item initWithContentsOfURL:$a_url byReference:$a_by_ref]; ]" end objc_init_with_contents_of_file__by_reference_ (an_item: POINTER; a_path: POINTER; a_by_ref: BOOLEAN): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSSound *)$an_item initWithContentsOfFile:$a_path byReference:$a_by_ref]; ]" end objc_init_with_data_ (an_item: POINTER; a_data: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSSound *)$an_item initWithData:$a_data]; ]" end objc_set_name_ (an_item: POINTER; a_string: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSSound *)$an_item setName:$a_string]; ]" end objc_name (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSSound *)$an_item name]; ]" end objc_init_with_pasteboard_ (an_item: POINTER; a_pasteboard: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSSound *)$an_item initWithPasteboard:$a_pasteboard]; ]" end objc_write_to_pasteboard_ (an_item: POINTER; a_pasteboard: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSSound *)$an_item writeToPasteboard:$a_pasteboard]; ]" end objc_play (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSSound *)$an_item play]; ]" end objc_pause (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSSound *)$an_item pause]; ]" end objc_resume (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSSound *)$an_item resume]; ]" end objc_stop (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSSound *)$an_item stop]; ]" end objc_is_playing (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSSound *)$an_item isPlaying]; ]" end objc_delegate (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSSound *)$an_item delegate]; ]" end objc_set_delegate_ (an_item: POINTER; a_delegate: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSSound *)$an_item setDelegate:$a_delegate]; ]" end objc_duration (an_item: POINTER): REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSSound *)$an_item duration]; ]" end objc_set_volume_ (an_item: POINTER; a_volume: REAL_32) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSSound *)$an_item setVolume:$a_volume]; ]" end objc_volume (an_item: POINTER): REAL_32 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSSound *)$an_item volume]; ]" end objc_current_time (an_item: POINTER): REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSSound *)$an_item currentTime]; ]" end objc_set_current_time_ (an_item: POINTER; a_seconds: REAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSSound *)$an_item setCurrentTime:$a_seconds]; ]" end objc_set_loops_ (an_item: POINTER; a_val: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSSound *)$an_item setLoops:$a_val]; ]" end objc_loops (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return [(NSSound *)$an_item loops]; ]" end objc_set_playback_device_identifier_ (an_item: POINTER; a_device_uid: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSSound *)$an_item setPlaybackDeviceIdentifier:$a_device_uid]; ]" end objc_playback_device_identifier (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSSound *)$an_item playbackDeviceIdentifier]; ]" end objc_set_channel_mapping_ (an_item: POINTER; a_channel_mapping: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ [(NSSound *)$an_item setChannelMapping:$a_channel_mapping]; ]" end objc_channel_mapping (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use " alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSSound *)$an_item channelMapping]; ]" end feature -- NSSound set_name_ (a_string: detachable NS_STRING): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_string__item: POINTER do if attached a_string as a_string_attached then a_string__item := a_string_attached.item end Result := objc_set_name_ (item, a_string__item) end name: detachable NS_STRING -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_name (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like name} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like name} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end write_to_pasteboard_ (a_pasteboard: detachable NS_PASTEBOARD) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_pasteboard__item: POINTER do if attached a_pasteboard as a_pasteboard_attached then a_pasteboard__item := a_pasteboard_attached.item end objc_write_to_pasteboard_ (item, a_pasteboard__item) end play: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_play (item) end pause: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_pause (item) end resume: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_resume (item) end stop: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_stop (item) end is_playing: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_is_playing (item) end delegate: detachable NS_SOUND_DELEGATE_PROTOCOL -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_delegate (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like delegate} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like delegate} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end set_delegate_ (a_delegate: detachable NS_SOUND_DELEGATE_PROTOCOL) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_delegate__item: POINTER do if attached a_delegate as a_delegate_attached then a_delegate__item := a_delegate_attached.item end objc_set_delegate_ (item, a_delegate__item) end duration: REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_duration (item) end set_volume_ (a_volume: REAL_32) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_volume_ (item, a_volume) end volume: REAL_32 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_volume (item) end current_time: REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_current_time (item) end set_current_time_ (a_seconds: REAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_current_time_ (item, a_seconds) end set_loops_ (a_val: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_loops_ (item, a_val) end loops: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_loops (item) end set_playback_device_identifier_ (a_device_uid: detachable NS_STRING) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_device_uid__item: POINTER do if attached a_device_uid as a_device_uid_attached then a_device_uid__item := a_device_uid_attached.item end objc_set_playback_device_identifier_ (item, a_device_uid__item) end playback_device_identifier: detachable NS_STRING -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_playback_device_identifier (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like playback_device_identifier} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like playback_device_identifier} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end set_channel_mapping_ (a_channel_mapping: detachable NS_ARRAY) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_channel_mapping__item: POINTER do if attached a_channel_mapping as a_channel_mapping_attached then a_channel_mapping__item := a_channel_mapping_attached.item end objc_set_channel_mapping_ (item, a_channel_mapping__item) end channel_mapping: detachable NS_ARRAY -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_channel_mapping (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like channel_mapping} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like channel_mapping} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation wrapper_objc_class_name: STRING -- The class name used for classes of the generated wrapper classes. do Result := "NSSound" end end