note description: "A visitor that returns the debug string for the Objective-C entity declaration it visits." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class OBJC_DEBUG_VISITOR inherit OBJC_ENTITY_DECL_VISITOR redefine visit_category_decl, visit_class_decl, visit_method_decl, visit_property_decl, visit_protocol_decl, visit_protocol_method_decl end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize Current do last_result := "" end feature -- Access last_result: STRING -- The result of the last visit by Current. feature -- Operations visit_category_decl (c: OBJC_CATEGORY_DECL) -- Visit a category declaration. local protocols: HASH_TABLE [OBJC_PROTOCOL_DECL, STRING] methods: HASH_TABLE [OBJC_METHOD_DECL, STRING] properties: HASH_TABLE [OBJC_PROPERTY_DECL, STRING] do last_result := "@interface " + + " (" + + ")" -- Output protocols defined in this category. protocols := c.protocols if protocols.count > 0 then last_result.append (" <") from protocols.start until protocols.after loop last_result.append ( + ", ") protocols.forth end last_result.remove_tail (2) last_result.append (">") end last_result.append ("%N%T/* Framework: " + c.framework) last_result.append ("%N%T * Header File: " + c.header + " */%N%N") -- Output methods. methods := c.methods from methods.start until methods.after loop last_result.append (methods.item_for_iteration.debug_output + "%N") methods.forth end -- Output properties. properties := if not properties.is_empty then last_result.append ("%N") end from properties.start until properties.after loop last_result.append (properties.item_for_iteration.debug_output + "%N") properties.forth end last_result.append ("@end%N") ensure then last_result_not_empty: not last_result.is_empty end visit_class_decl (c: OBJC_CLASS_DECL) -- Visit a class declaration. local protocols: HASH_TABLE [OBJC_PROTOCOL_DECL, STRING] methods: HASH_TABLE [OBJC_METHOD_DECL, STRING] properties: HASH_TABLE [OBJC_PROPERTY_DECL, STRING] categories: HASH_TABLE [OBJC_CATEGORY_DECL, STRING] do last_result := "@interface " + if attached c.parent_class as attached_parent_class then last_result.append (" : " + end protocols := c.protocols if protocols.count > 0 then last_result.append (" <") from protocols.start until protocols.after loop last_result.append ( + ", ") protocols.forth end -- Remove the last separator string. last_result.remove_tail (2) last_result.append (">") end last_result.append ("%N%T/* Framework: " + c.framework) last_result.append ("%N%T * Header File: " + c.header + " */%N%N") -- Output methods. methods := c.methods from methods.start until methods.after loop last_result.append (methods.item_for_iteration.debug_output + "%N") methods.forth end -- Output properties. properties := if not properties.is_empty then last_result.append ("%N") end from properties.start until properties.after loop last_result.append (properties.item_for_iteration.debug_output + "%N") properties.forth end last_result.append ("@end%N") -- Output categories. categories := c.categories from categories.start until categories.after loop last_result.append (categories.item_for_iteration.debug_output) categories.forth end ensure then last_result_not_empty: not last_result.is_empty end visit_method_decl (m: OBJC_METHOD_DECL) -- Visit a method declaration. local arguments: ARRAYED_LIST [OBJC_ARGUMENT_DECL] current_argument: OBJC_ARGUMENT_DECL do create last_result.make_empty -- Output type encodings. if attached m.return_type.encoding as encoding then last_result := "%T// Type encodings: (" + encoding + ")(" else check return_type_encoding_attached: False end end arguments := m.arguments from arguments.start until arguments.after loop current_argument := arguments.item if attached current_argument.type as type and then attached type.encoding as encoding then last_result.append (encoding + ",") end arguments.forth end if attached arguments.i_th (1).type then last_result.remove_tail (1) end last_result.append (")%N") -- Output method declaration. last_result.append ("%T") if m.is_class_method then last_result.append ("+") else last_result.append ("-") end last_result.append (" (" + + ")") from arguments.start until arguments.after loop current_argument := arguments.item last_result.append (current_argument.label) if attached current_argument.type as type and attached current_argument.argument_name as argument_name then last_result.append (":(" + + ")" + argument_name) end arguments.forth if not arguments.after then last_result.append (" ") end end last_result.append (";") ensure then last_result_not_empty: not last_result.is_empty end visit_property_decl (p: OBJC_PROPERTY_DECL) -- Visit a property declaration. do last_result := "%T@property (getter=" + p.getter + ", setter=" + p.setter if p.readonly then last_result.append (", readonly") else last_result.append (", readwrite") end last_result.append (") " + + " " + + ";") ensure then last_result_not_empty: not last_result.is_empty end visit_protocol_decl (p: OBJC_PROTOCOL_DECL) -- Visit a protocol declaration. local parent_protocols: HASH_TABLE[OBJC_PROTOCOL_DECL, STRING] methods: HASH_TABLE[OBJC_PROTOCOL_METHOD_DECL, STRING] properties: HASH_TABLE[OBJC_PROPERTY_DECL, STRING] do create last_result.make_empty last_result.append ("@protocol " + parent_protocols := p.parent_protocols if parent_protocols.count > 0 then last_result.append (" <") from parent_protocols.start until parent_protocols.after loop last_result.append ( + ", ") parent_protocols.forth end -- Remove the last separator string. last_result.remove_tail (2) last_result.append (">") end last_result.append ("%N") -- Output methods. methods := p.methods from methods.start until methods.after loop last_result.append (methods.item_for_iteration.debug_output + "%N") methods.forth end -- Output properties. properties := if not properties.is_empty then last_result.append ("%N") end from properties.start until properties.after loop last_result.append (properties.item_for_iteration.debug_output + "%N") properties.forth end last_result.append ("@end" + "%N") end visit_protocol_method_decl (m: OBJC_PROTOCOL_METHOD_DECL) -- Visit a protocol method declaration. local visitor: OBJC_DEBUG_VISITOR do create visitor.make visitor.visit_method_decl (m) last_result := visitor.last_result ensure then last_result_not_empty: not last_result.is_empty end end