note description: "RRD values retrieved by a fetch operation" author: "Patrick Ruckstuhl <>" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class RRD_VALUES inherit PLATFORM export {NONE} all end DISPOSABLE create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_start_time: NATURAL_64; an_end_time: NATURAL_64; a_step: NATURAL_64; a_ds_count: NATURAL_64; a_ds_names: POINTER; a_values: POINTER) -- Create. require start_before_end: a_start_time <= an_end_time do start_time := a_start_time end_time := an_end_time step := a_step ds_count := a_ds_count create ds_names.share_from_pointer (a_ds_names, ds_count.as_integer_32) create values.share_from_pointer (a_values, array_position_by_time_and_datasource (end_time, ds_count - 1)) ensure start_time_set: start_time = a_start_time end_time_set: end_time = an_end_time step_set: step = a_step ds_count_set: ds_count = a_ds_count ds_names_created: ds_names /= Void values_created: values /= Void end feature -- Access start_time: NATURAL_64 -- Start time. end_time: NATURAL_64 -- End time. step: NATURAL_64 -- Step. ds_count: NATURAL_64 -- Datasource count. feature -- Queries item_at_time (a_time: NATURAL_64; a_datasource: NATURAL_64): REAL_64 -- Retrieve the value at a certain time of a certain datasource. require time_valid: a_time >= start_time and a_time < end_time datasource_valid: a_datasource < ds_count do Result := values.read_real_64 (array_position_by_time_and_datasource (a_time, a_datasource)) end datasource_name (a_datasource: NATURAL_64): STRING -- Retrieve the name of a datasource. require datasource_valid: a_datasource < ds_count local l_c_string: C_STRING do create l_c_string.make_shared_from_pointer (ds_names.read_pointer (a_datasource.as_integer_32)) Result := l_c_string.string ensure Result_ok: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Implementation ds_names: MANAGED_POINTER -- Datesource names. values: MANAGED_POINTER -- Values. array_position_by_time_and_datasource (a_time: NATURAL_64; a_datasource: NATURAL_64): INTEGER -- Compute the array position by the time and datasource number. require time_valid: a_time >= start_time and a_time <= end_time datasource_valid: a_datasource < ds_count do Result := ((a_time - start_time) // step * ds_count).as_integer_32 * real_64_bytes ensure Result_valid: result >= 0 end dispose -- Free the memory of the names and values. local i: NATURAL_64 do -- free the memory used by the name strings from i := 0 until i >= ds_count loop ds_names.read_pointer (i.as_integer_32).memory_free i := i + 1 end -- free the arrays ds_names.item.memory_free values.item.memory_free end end