Origo Windows Sidebar Gadget v0.1 (for testing purpose only) --------------------------------- Welcome to the Origo Windows Sidebar Gadget for Windows Vista which allows browsing the workitems of a single project at once. This widget has been created with Visual Studio on Windows Vista. To make the XML-RPC calls we use the free JavaScript library 'jsolait' (http://jsolait.net) which contains an XML-RPC module. Current limitations: - not optimized for speed The official homepage of the widget is located at http://www.origo.ethz.ch/wiki/Origo_Windows_Sidebar_Gadget If you should encounter one of those nasty bugs please create a bug report at http://www.origo.ethz.ch/issues or email me at support[at]origo.ethz.ch If you have any suggestions or ideas how to improve the widget or created a widget on your own, please post in the forums or send us a mail at support[at]origo.ethz.ch Have fun with our gadget, The Origo Team