regiebuch release 2009-05-23 ---------------------------- 1. backup -> use 2. svn up - copy all changed files to /data/..../drupal dir - delete dropdown.php||.js 3. config-files - new parameter in /etc/origo/origo.conf: "origo_use_subdomains" /etc/aranea/aranea.conf => DONE - add google-CSE/GA keys, remove them from /etc/origo/origo.conf && /etc/aranea/aranea.conf => DONE 4. run drush => this will update the database, enable the new modules, etc. - set memory-limit in /etc/php5/cli/php.ini to a higher value (128MB should be enough) - run - reset mem-value in php.ini 5. create new folder drupal/projects, so that symlinking new projects won't fail. => do this only after the drush script has ran! the menu needs to be rebuild first, so that the menu link of the project-list is changed (i.e. menu_rebuild() is done).