Port Interface Help ------------------- I've included this help file to assist in usage of the Eiffel port communication library. Due to the aspects of library configuration and need for flexibility the port library requires three (or two to use directly) library references to make use of a port, using a driver, using a transport channel (optional). * First you'll need to include the port interface library (port.ecf). This defines the interfaces needed to communicate with the OS address ports. * Second you'll need to include the port driver library, located under a sub-directory of 'platform'. For Windows operating systems you will need to install an actual driver. The driver installer files are located under .\platform\windows\\driver\$ISE_PLATFORM. Run install.bat to install the appropriate driver for your operating system. * Third (optional) you'll need to include the channel library, which at the time of writing is only the parallel port (parallel_port.ecf) under 'parallel'. In the future there should be Serial/USB and Bluetooth channel libraries.