HD44780 Controller Help ----------------------- In order to utilize the HD44780 controller correctly you will need to include a number of libraries. There are plans to extend ECF to support a scenario desprately needed in this situtation but until then you'll need to do the following. The HD44780 controller is known to use a parallel port connection interface (buy one a http://www.crystalfontz.com), as such you must include the communication port library and all that is necessary to instantiate a parallel port connection. See the readme.txt in ../../../communication/ports. Once you have included the three require libraries in your project (port.ect, parallel_port.ecf and a driver library) you must add the hd44780.ecf along with the communication channel library, which are located under ./communication//hd44780_.ecf, where is the name of the commincation channel, in this case parallel. In you project you should have five libraries directly referenced, then you may use the controller. A lot of work, I know. Once ECF is remidied there'll just be a single library to include :) Example ------- There a little work that needs to be done in order to set up the display, all due to necessary abstraction and supporting future augmentation/software stacks. Here's an example using a 16x2 display connected to LPT1, using the InpOut32 driver. test_controller -- Perform a controller test. local l_port: !PRT_PARALLEL_CONNECTION l_channel: !HD44780_PARALLEL_COMM_CHANNEL l_controller: !HD44780_CONTROLLER do -- Establish a parallel port connection. create l_port.make ({PRT_PARALLEL_ADDRESS}.lpt1, create {PRT_INPOUT32_STREAM_FACTORY}) -- Create a channel to use with the controller. create l_channel.make (l_port) -- Create the controller with the parallel port channel create l_controller.make ({HD44780_DISPLAY_CONFIG}.display_16x2, l_channel) -- Initialize the controller and print "Test" l_controller.init l_controller.put_string ("Test") end