note description: "[ Base enumeration type implementation for pseduo enumeration types. See the written article on where this code was extracted from. ]" legal : "See notice at end of class." status : "See notice at end of class."; author : "Paul Bates (" date : "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class ENUM_TYPE [G -> NUMERIC] inherit HASHABLE redefine default_create, out end PART_COMPARABLE redefine default_create, out end convert item: {G} feature {ENUM_TYPE} -- Initialization frozen default_create -- Default initialization. do make ((items[1]).item) end frozen make (n: G) -- Initializes instance from base entity `n' -- -- `n': A numerical value associated with a member of `Current' require n_is_valid_numeric_value: is_valid_numeric_value (n) do internal_value := n ensure internal_value_set: internal_value = n end feature -- Access frozen items: ARRAY [like Current] -- Access to all members of `Current' local l_items: detachable ARRAY [G] l_internal: INTERNAL l_id: INTEGER l_count, i: INTEGER l_assert: BOOLEAN do create l_internal l_id := l_internal.dynamic_type (Current) if attached {ARRAY [like Current]} internal_items_table.item (l_id) as l_result then Result := l_result else check not_internal_items_table_has_l_id: not internal_items_table.has (l_id) end l_items := members l_count := l_items.count create Result.make (1, l_count) l_assert := {ISE_RUNTIME}.check_assert (False) from i := 1 until i > l_count loop -- Does automatic conversion if attached {like Current} l_internal.new_instance_of (l_id) as l_instance then l_instance.make (l_items.item (i)) Result.put (l_instance, i) end i := i + 1 end l_assert := {ISE_RUNTIME}.check_assert (l_assert) internal_items_table.force (Result, l_id) end ensure result_attached: attached Result not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty internal_items_table_has_current: internal_items_table.has ( (create {INTERNAL}).dynamic_type (Current)) end frozen hash_code: INTEGER -- do if attached {HASHABLE} internal_value as l_hashable then Result := l_hashable.hash_code else check False end end end feature {ENUM_TYPE} -- Access frozen internal_items_table: HASH_TABLE [ARRAY [ENUM_TYPE [NUMERIC]], INTEGER] -- Items table used to cache member info. once create Result.make (1) ensure result_attached: attached Result end frozen internal_value: G -- Internal raw value (do not rename!) feature -- Query is_valid_numeric_value (n: G): BOOLEAN -- Determines if `n' a value associated with a member of `Current'. -- -- `n': A numerical value to check for validity against members of `Current'. -- `Result': True if `n' a valid member, False otherwise. local l_assert: BOOLEAN do Result := True l_assert := {ISE_RUNTIME}.check_assert (False) -- Kind of a hack but it's the most direct way to check. -- `n' converted into `like Current' Result := members.has (n) l_assert := {ISE_RUNTIME}.check_assert (l_assert) end feature {NONE} -- Factory members: ARRAY [G] -- Array of all members of `Current'. -- -- Note to Implementers: This function should be a once! deferred ensure result_attached: attached Result not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty result_lower_is_one: Result.lower = 1 result_upper_is_count: Result.upper = Result.count result_contains_unique_items: (agent (a_result: ARRAY [G]): BOOLEAN require a_result_attached: a_result /= Void local l_upper, i: INTEGER do Result := True l_upper := a_result.upper from i := a_result.lower until i > l_upper or not Result loop Result := a_result.occurrences (a_result[i]) = 1 i := i + 1 end end).item ([Result]) same_result: Result = members end feature -- Comparison frozen infix "<" (other: ENUM_TYPE [G]): BOOLEAN -- do if attached {PART_COMPARABLE} internal_value as l_cc and then attached {PART_COMPARABLE} internal_value as l_oc then Result := l_cc < l_oc end end feature -- Conversion frozen item: G -- `Current' as a {NUMERIC} value do Result := internal_value ensure result_set: Result = internal_value result_is_valid_numeric_value: is_valid_numeric_value (Result) end feature -- Output out: STRING -- do Result := internal_value.out end invariant is_valid_numeric_value: is_valid_numeric_value (internal_value) end