indexing description: "Represents the net peer group id" author: "Beat Strasser " date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class P2P_NETGROUP_ID inherit P2P_PEERGROUP_ID redefine is_unique_id_valid end create make_from_urn, make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make is -- Create null id do make_with_id (netgroup) end feature -- Access format: STRING is "jxta" parent_peer_group_id: P2P_PEERGROUP_ID is -- Net groups parent is the world group do create {P2P_WORLDGROUP_ID} Result.make end uuid: ARRAY [NATURAL_8] is -- Net group UUID (for creating children) once -- 0x59616261646162614E50472050325033 (YabadabaNPG P2P3) create Result.make (0, 15) Result[0] := 0x59 Result[1] := 0x61 Result[2] := 0x62 Result[3] := 0x61 Result[4] := 0x64 Result[5] := 0x61 Result[6] := 0x62 Result[7] := 0x61 Result[8] := 0x4E Result[9] := 0x50 Result[10] := 0x47 Result[11] := 0x20 Result[12] := 0x50 Result[13] := 0x32 Result[14] := 0x50 Result[15] := 0x33 ensure Result_set: Result /= Void end is_worldgroup_id: BOOLEAN is False is_netgroup_id: BOOLEAN is True feature {NONE} -- Implementation is_unique_id_valid (an_id: STRING): BOOLEAN is -- Is `an_id' NetGroup? do Result := netgroup.is_equal (an_id) end Netgroup: STRING is "NetGroup" end