indexing description: "Represents a JXTA ID of unknown type" license: "MIT license (see ../license.txt)" author: "Beat Strasser " date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class P2P_GENERIC_ID inherit P2P_ID redefine set_format end create make_from_urn, make feature {NONE} -- Implementation make (a_format, an_id: STRING) is -- Create id with given format and id require Format_valid: a_format /= Void and not a_format.is_empty Id_valid: an_id /= Void and not an_id.is_empty do set_format (a_format) make_with_id (an_id) ensure Format_set: is_valid implies format.is_equal (a_format) Id_set: is_valid implies unique_id.is_equal (an_id) Valid_id: is_valid = is_unique_id_valid (an_id) end feature -- Access format: STRING -- JXTA ID format feature {NONE} -- Implementation set_format (a_format: STRING) is -- Set the format. do format := a_format ensure then Format_set: format.is_equal (a_format) end end