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indexing description: "Logging appender that writes to a file and is rolled at specified calendar intervals." project: "Project Goanna <>" library: "log4e" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Glenn Maughan <>" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2002 Glenn Maughan" license: "Eiffel Forum License v1 (see forum.txt)." class interface L4E_CALENDAR_ROLLING_APPENDER create make, make_daily, make_minutely, make_hourly feature -- Initialisation make (new_name: STRING; number_of_backups: INTEGER; appending: BOOLEAN) -- Create a new file appender on the file -- with 'new_name'. Roll the log over to a backup file every day. -- Keep a maximum of 'number_of_backups' backup files. -- Append to an existing log file if 'appending'. -- Was declared in L4E_CALENDAR_ROLLING_APPENDER as synonym of make_daily. require name_exists: new_name /= void name_not_empty: not new_name.is_empty positive_number_of_backups: number_of_backups >= 0 ensure l4e_file_open: stream.is_open_write make_daily (new_name: STRING; number_of_backups: INTEGER; appending: BOOLEAN) -- Create a new file appender on the file -- with 'new_name'. Roll the log over to a backup file every day. -- Keep a maximum of 'number_of_backups' backup files. -- Append to an existing log file if 'appending'. -- Was declared in L4E_CALENDAR_ROLLING_APPENDER as synonym of make. require name_exists: new_name /= void name_not_empty: not new_name.is_empty positive_number_of_backups: number_of_backups >= 0 ensure l4e_file_open: stream.is_open_write make_minutely (new_name: STRING; number_of_backups: INTEGER; appending: BOOLEAN) -- Create a new file appender on the file -- with 'new_name'. Roll the log over to a backup file every minute. -- Keep a maximum of 'number_of_backups' backup files. -- Append to an existing log file if 'appending'. require name_exists: new_name /= void name_not_empty: not new_name.is_empty positive_number_of_backups: number_of_backups >= 0 ensure l4e_file_open: stream.is_open_write make_hourly (new_name: STRING; number_of_backups: INTEGER; appending: BOOLEAN) -- Create a new file appender on the file -- with 'new_name'. Roll the log over to a backup file every hour. -- Keep a maximum of 'number_of_backups' backup files. -- Append to an existing log file if 'appending'. require name_exists: new_name /= void name_not_empty: not new_name.is_empty positive_number_of_backups: number_of_backups >= 0 ensure l4e_file_open: stream.is_open_write end -- class L4E_CALENDAR_ROLLING_APPENDER
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Goanna Log4E -- Copyright © 2002 Glenn Maughan